SKK NAT TVÅÅKER 2010-07-10 Steven Seymour




Popeye´s D’Artagnan SE14787/2010 f  091225 r. WW-08 SEV-05 SE UCH  DK UCH  Popeye´s Lightfoot Gordon u Popeye’s Sense And Sensibility uppf Charlotte Wistad, Tygelsjö äg ds

Qual puppy Bal outline Just needs a little more conf Large skull Good eye Pleasing underjaw Very good ribcage for age Frontleg could be straighter Lovely tailset Profile gate is good Good strong movement





Aksu I’m A Star S65446/2009 f 091029 e SE UCH Ziams Snow Dancer u Aksu Party Girl uppf Anita Edring Sandberg Skivarp äg Kathleen Berggren Uddevalla

Strongly made bitch Very good bone and subst Lovely side carriage Fem head I would like a little more strength in muzzle Large well slung ribcage Strong bone Topline could be stronger Good tailcarriage A little wide in front when moving



Aksu Rising Star  S65448/2009 f 091029 e SE UCH Ziams Snow Dancer u Aksu Party Girl uppf Anita Edring Sandberg Skivarp äg Lena Falk Trelleborg

Stylish puppy when moving Good bone and subst Pleasing skull A little plam in expr Ribcage needs to drop Topline could be stronger Good coat and text Tailset could be higher Lovely sidecar Nice kick in the rear



Ao Chins Queen Of T’Night  SE14286/2010 f 091112  e. FI UCH  SE UCH TaMaria Al Capone u SE UCH  Mai-Tai`s Lady Marmelade  uppf Anders Ottosson, Norrköping äg Catarina Gustafsson Bruzaholm

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Collchows Prince S59838/2009 f 090908 e Collchows Mitch u Tibets Pride’s A Beautiful Mind uppf

Britta o Susanne Hansson Henån, äg Susanne Hansson Henån

Well bal dog Very good bone and subst Good masc head Very good skull Eyes could be large Strong underjaw A little weak in front Elbows could be firmer Ribcage is good for the age Topline a little weak Tail is ok Good profilegait a little wide in front



Il Pericolos Hat Trick  S34254/2009 f 090429 e Ta Maria Fantasy Goes On u Il Pericolos Ella Of Frell uppf Rita o Kim Bokdalen Fjärås äg ds J.e Van Dijk Fjärås

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Mismås Three Cheers At Midnight S36826/2009 f 090409 e Multi Ch Fossella Kama Sutra u Mismås Beat’ M With Love uppf Birgitta Norström Lerum äg Lena Rehn Agnesberg

Masc dog Good size Pleasing outline Large skull but needs more underjaw to improve the expr I would like a little more depth and width in chest Topline is good Pleasing tailcarriage Good profile gate Front is a little weak



Shu-Ling Utah Jazz S49169/2009 f 090704 e. NORD&US CH SE UCH NO UCH NORD UCH  Lac-Mc’s Sweet Home Chigago u.NordJV-03 SE UCH Shu-Ling Zim Lady Zim uppf Yvette Schönemann Mölnlycke äg Lena Persson Höllviken

Well bal dog Lovely size Very good bone and subst Good masc head Large skull Good chin Well slung chest Frontleg could be straighter Lovely neck and shoulder Tailset and carr is good Exc coat Stylish mover Lovely kick in the rear



Tibets Pride’s Bring It On S56049/2009 f 090706 e SE UCH Tibets Pride’s Face The Facts u Tibets Pride’s Prelude To Joy uppf Margareta Hansen Kungsbacka äg Jack Stockstill Tostared

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Tibets Pride’s Pokerface S42140/2009 f 090502 e. SE UCH  Tibets Pride’s Face The Facts u Tibets Pride’s Frozen Raindrop uppf Margareta Hansen Kungsbacka äg Carina Eriksson Kungsbacka

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Ziams Don’t Get Mad Get Even S29892/2009 f 090515 e. WW-08, SV-05 DK UCH SE UCH  Popeye’s Lightfot Gordon u. NORD UCH  Ziams Miss Maple Ready For Success uppf Leslie-Anne o Lars BErgqvist Åsa äg ds

Strong made masc dog with powerful sidegate Large masc head eyes could be bigger Good width in underjaw Plesing ribcage Good tailset and carr The coat is a little full Movement is very pleasing



Ziams Here Comes The Sun S32466/2009 f 090413 e. NORD&US CH SE UCH NO UCH NORD UCH  Lac-Me’s Sweet Home Chigago u SE UCH Ziams Brown Eyed Girl uppf Leslie-Anne o Lars BErgqvist Åsa äg Evelina Eriksson Svantesson Ryssby

Smaller type but still masc dog Good bodyshape and outline Pleasing skull Good eye Underjaw ok I would like a bigger ribcage and straighter frontlegs bodylength is good Topline is a little roached Good steady mover Front is a little weak





Amstars Easy Raider N041448/09 f 090321 e NORD&US CH SE UCH NO UCH NORD UCH Lac-Me’s Sweet Home Chigago u Amstars Daisy Boo uppf Unni o Hilde Amundsen Norge äg Wenche Romoren Norge

Sound well made dog Lovely size Good overall sub Large full skull Nosepad could be bigger I would like a little more width in the underjaw Chest and ribcage is good Strong topline Good tailcarr Pleasing coattext Movement was sound and steady

UKL 1 KK 3


Ceasar´s Palace King Creole S70125/2008 f.081121 e.SE UCH  Max Garden's Prelude To Elvis u. Max Garden's Cornelia Kleine Uppf. Ulla o Kjell Andersson, Hyltebruk Äg ds

Masc well bal dog Inpressive side carr Good bone and subst Lovely masc head Good eye Large nosepad Ribcage is good Elbows could be tighter Lovely flow of neck in to topline Good tailcarr Front a little weak but lovely in frontline



Kjeann’s Double Trouble S55166/2008 f 080721 e Tibets Pride’s Standing Ovations u Kjeann’s Midnight Love uppf Anne o Kjell Bohman Halmstad äg ds

Masc dog Good overall subst Not performing well in the heat Good large skull Could have more straight in muzzle Ribcage is good Needs a little more width in front Good bodylength Tailset and carr could be better Movement was unsettle



Phe-Khan Lord Cutler S66094/2008 f 081015   e. SE UCH NO UCH  Yung Lo's Double Fantasy u. Phe-Khan Twist And Tango Uppf Petra Karlsson, Västra Frölunda äg Ulla Olsson Mölndal

Well made dog Good bone and subst Pleasing sidecar I would like a larger head overall but details is still good The skull-chine are good Pleasing width in front Topline a little soft Tailset and carr is good Good strong rear

UKL 1 KK 2


Ziams Highland Laird S63332/2008  f 080920 e. SE UCH NO UCH  Ziams Return  Of A Jida u. NORD UCH  Coco Chanel Uppf Leslie Anne &  Lars Bergqvist, Åsa, Äg: Elsa Jonsson Kungsbacka

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Aksu Love On The Rocks 44972/2006 f 060518 e Mismås Tast Of Amaretto u Aksu Run To Me uppf, Anita Edring-Sandberg, Skivarp, äg, Tini Marstrand, Ängelholm

Strong masc dog Lovely bone and subst Large skull Eyes could be larger The finish of mouth could be better Good neck and shoulder Well slung front Lovely tailset and carr In profile makes a very nice picture Movement is strong



NO UCH Collchows Big Mac 25983/2005 f 050224 e SE UCH Tibets Prides Face the Facts u Collchows Chira uppf, Britta & Susanne Hansson, Varekil äg, Maria Engen, Norge

Small but still masc dog Good bone and subst Pleasing head but could be larger The eyes could be bigger Exc well slung chest and good bone Needs more neck to improve the bal Strong topline Tailcarr  is ok In profile covers lot of ground



Collchows Winner  S66484/2007 f 070926  e. NO UCH  SE UCH  Nord JV-06 Viola-Hirta´s Special Creation  u. Collchows Happy  Uppf: Susanne Hansson, Henån  Äga: Martina Karlsson, Halmstad

Well made masc dog Lovely bone and subst Pleasing sidecar Strong masc head Large skull Good nice pad Could have a touch more underjaw Very good front Lovely ribcage Exc tail Good strong mover in profile



Hin Chen´s Unforgetable S 52664/2008  071026 e SE V-08 SE UCH NO UCH    Hin Chen´s Jay-walker U: Centastage Leavs the Dream Uppf. Hege Mari Finnager, Norge äg Catharina Gustafsson Bruzaholm

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Lillefots Memories From My Heart S28529/2008 f 080306 e Kjeanns Walking In The Rain u Lady Chimas X-Lion –To Bee uppf Eva Lennemar Kristinehamn äg Heidi Strandh-Sköld Stenstorp

Masc dog of good bone and subst Not showing well in the heat Pleasing head Underjaw could be stronger I would like straighter frontlegs and a little more width in chest Good body shape Corr coat Not moving well today



Lyckobringarens Here I Come S10061/2007 f.061109 e. Tibets Pride's Pride And Prejudice u. Lyckobringarens Beauty Spot Uppf: Margrethe Svendsén, Sandhult Äg: ds

Lovely well bal dog Inpress sidecar I would like a large more masc head Underjaw could be better Good ribcage Topline is strong Tailcarr corr Lovely coattext Movement was sound

ÖKL 1 KK 2


Max Gardens Ziggy Marley  S69823/2007,f . 071106. e. Tipsy-Toe’s Son Of Cowboy u. Tangse

Nightengale. Uppf. Gunnel Andersson, Onsala. Äg. Maria Johansson, Angered

Well made masc dog Good bone and subst Well pres coat Pleasing head Very good skull Eyes could be larger Underjaw could be better Pleasing front Good ribcage Tailset and carr is good Frontmovement a little weak but good in profile

ÖKL 1 KK  4


Phe-Khan Domino Player 48625/2005 f 050608 e. SE V-07 NORD UCH INT UCH  Ziams Grease Lightning u. Phe-Khan Bianca Nera uppf, Petra Karlsson V Frölunda , äg, Ulla Olsson, Mölndal

Masc dog Very good bone and subst Bodyshape is good Pleasing head Large skull Good underjaw Needs a better front The upperarm is short and the ribcage could be deeper Tailset and carr is ok Lovely coat text Movement is spoiled by the front



Xantudd’s Danish Boulevard LO108/16765 f 080405 e Xantudd’s Red Passion u Xantudd’s Justiceprevails uppf Maccia Gaetano Italien äg Tenna Grenaae Danmark

Quality dog in lovely coat and cond I would like a touch more bone and subst Pleasing head Skull is good Good underjaw Ribcage could be bigger Topline is strong  Tailcarr ok Movement was sound but could have a little more purpose

ÖKL 1 KK 3


Ziams Why Not S15835/2004, f 040117e. SE UCH  Ziams Calvin Kleine u. Ziams The Red Light. Uppf. Leslie-Anne o Lars Bergqvist, Åsa Äg. Birgitta Frank, Mollösund

Sound well made dog Good bal outline I would like  a slightly more masc head Well made front Good ribcage Topline is level Tailset and carr is good Corr coat text Lovely profile gate





NO UCH NO V-05  SE UCH Kiowa’s Dancing Shadow N17574/06 f 060801 e NORD V-01 NO UCH NORD UCH INT UCH  Ziams Lord of The Dance u NO UCH  Tigerbays Dancing Rose uppf Lill Hauerberg Norge äg Wenche Romoren Norge

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SE UCH Lyckobringarens Fee-Ling-Fine S51749/2005 f.050622 e. Lyckobringarens Unique Red Baron u. Lyckobringarens Ce-Linh Uppf & äg: Margrethe Svendsén, Sandhult

Quality masc dog Lovely bone and subst Very type sidegat and carr Large skull Nospas is good Strong underjaw Large ribcage Well slung front could be tighter Very good topline Lovely tailcarr Has good kick in the rear when moving



SE UCH Tipsy-Toe’s  Exiting Boy 10921/2007 f 061112 e SE UCH FI UCH  Tangse Midnight Cowboy u SE UCH  Tipsy –Toe’s Exiting Girl uppf, Lena Rehn, Agnesberg, äg, Jennie Andersson Göteborg

Stylish qual dog For me a little high on the leg Large masc head Very good skull Good ribcage Toplien is strong Corr tailcarr Lovely coat text Good sound mover Just not quite the right bodyshape for me



NO UCH SE UCH Yung  Lo’s Double Fantasy 15011/2007 f 061206 e. Multi Ch Tangse Robin Fantasy u. Mulit CH  Fossella Small Of Chanel uppf, Sofi & Peter Pålsson Tygelsjö, äg Sofi Pålsson, Tygelsjö

Masc dog Lovely coat and cond Large masc head Good eye and good nosepad Ribcage is good Frontlegs could be straighter and I would like a little less leg under the dog Good strong topline Well carr tail Lovely profile gate a little weak in coming and going





Ta Maria Chok-O-Licious SE 12325/2010 f 090806 e. Ta Maria May I Fantasy u. Ta Maria Stracciatella uppf Anne o Maria Laaksonen Finland äg Sofi Pålsson Tygelsjö

Fem bitch Lovely size Good bone Large fem head Good eye Nice underjaw Ribcage is good Frontlegs could be straighter Bodylength is good Tailset and carr is corr Topline a  little weak Movement was typical and very nice in frontline



Tangse Rihanna S46567/2009 f 090516 e FI UCH SE UCH Ta Maria Double-O-Seven u Tangse Caramelle uppf Rose Åkersten Sollentuna äg Kate Johannesson Västra Frölunda

Fem bitch with lovely carr and attityd I would like a little more bone and subst Overall good fem head Lovely nosepad Ribcage needs to fill and the frontlegs a little low Strong topline Lovely tailcarr Exc coat Lovely profilegate front is a little weak



Tibets Pride’s Drama Queen S56757/2009 f 090727 e Tibets Pride’s Ovations And Applaus u Tibets Pride’s Madonna uppf Margareta Hansen Kungsbacka äg Jack Stockstill Tostared

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Tibets Pride’s  Shine A Light On Me S 48139/2009 e. Multi Ch  Sannie’s S-Anke Noah O’Malley u. Tibets Pride’s Talking To An Angel uppf Margareta Hansen Kungsbacka äg Mathias Hansen Kungsbacka

Sound well made bitch Very good bone and subst Good fem head Well made front Topline could be a little stronger Tailset is good Movement was sound coming and going If profile the carr could have a little more confid



Wilma S59282/2009 f 090830 e Tibets Pride’s Standing Ovations u Phe-Khan Dream Dimension uppf Anette Björmo Halmstad äg Anne Bohman Halmstad

Fem bitch with lots of qual Not showing well today in the heat Lovely size Good subst Fem expr Underjaw could be better Ribcage is good Frontlegs could be straighter Tailset is corr Lovely coat text Movement was unsettle



Ziams Happy Fairytail  S32472/2009 f 090413 e. NORD&US CH SE UCH NO UCH NORD UCH  Lac-Me’s Sweet Home Chigago u. SE UCH Ziams Brown Eyed Girl uppf Leslie Anne o Lars Bergqvist Åsa  äg ds

Fem bitch with lots of qual Good bodyshape and lovely subst Fem expr Good strong underjaw Well slung chest Lovely tailset and carr Strong firm hindquarters Good coattext Sidecarr is very typical and pleasing



Ziams Harmony Forever  S32471/2009 f 090413 e. NORD&US CH SE UCH NO UCH NORD UCH  NordUCh Lac-Me’s Sweet Home Chigago u SE UCH Ziams Brown Eyed Girl uppf Leslie-Anne o Lars Bergqvist Åsa äg Christina Friberg Ryssby

Good fem bitch Lots of qual but not showing well in the heat Pleasing head Needs a little more strength in muzzle Ribcage is good Frontlegs could be straighter Topline could be stronger Corr coat tex Movement a little unsettled





Ceasars Palace Long Tall Sally S70127/2008 f 081121 e. SE UCH Max Garden's Prelude To Elvis u. Max Garden's Cornelia Kleine Uppf. Ulla o Kjell Andersson, Hyltebruk äg Jan   Berg, Hässleholm

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Gabå’s Dior J’Adore S15089/2009 f 090103 e Skånehedens Castello u Gabå’s Angeliq Cassandra

Uppf Christina Friberg Ryssby äg ds

Fem bitch Lovely size Needs a touch more bone and subst Good fem head Muzzle could be stronger Ribcage needsto fill Good strong topline Corr tailcarr Good coat text Movement has good drive in the rear



Popeye's Purple Rain S13114/2009 f 081218  e . SE UCH DK UCH   Popeye's Trick Or Trigger u. Popeye's In The Limelight Uppf. Charlotte Wistad, Tygelsjö äg ds    

Qual bitch Lovely size Good subst Beautiful head and exp Lovely underjaw Well made front Good reach of neck Lovely tailcarr Exc coat Good strong mover Lovely side carr



Quatro Zampe’s Diva S60843/2008 e Glimtens Higgins u Quatro Zampe’s Eco Mi Qua uppf Vally Mazzo Hyssna äg Birgitta Sandersson Göteborg

Well made fem bitch Overall shape and outline is good Pleasing head Eyes could be darker and the nosepad a little bigger Good ribcage Strong topline Corr tailset and carr Good steady mover



San Fun Cha-Cha-Cha S29182/2009 f 080808 e.SE UCH FI UCH  Royal Manor C’buddhas Fire Dragon u San Fun Samba Jamba uppf Sanna Niemelä Finland äg Rita Bokdalen Fjärås

Stylish fem bitch Lovely size Good subst Pleasing head Eyes could be larger and the nosepad a little bigger Needs better neck and shoulder and a firmer front Lovely tailset and carr Exc coat Movement is strong in the rear but weak in the front



Tipsy-Toe’s To Hot To Handle S29180/2009 f 090314 e. Tipsy-Toe’s Tip To Toe u SE UCH DK UCH Tangse Tina Turner uppf Lena Rehn Agnesberg äg Maria Johansson Angered

Fem bitch Lovely carr and good attityd Fem expr The could be larger and the nosepad a little bigger Needs better front and bigger ribcage Very good tailset and carr Exc coat text Lovely profile gate but weak coming and going



Tipsy-Toe’s Touch Of Class S29180/2009 f 090314 e Tipsy-Toe’s Top To Toe u SE UCH DK UCH Tangse Tina Turner uppf Lena Rehn Agnesberg äg ds

Strong well made bitch Good bone and subst Pleasing head Good large skull Eyes could be bigger Good underjaw Well slung front Could have better neck and shoulder Topline is a little weak Tailset is good Movement sound and typical

UKL 1 KK 4


Ziams Highland Lass S63332/2008  f 080920 e. SE UCH NO UCH  Ziams Return  Of A Jida u. NORD UCH  Coco Chanel Uppf Leslie Anne &  Lars Bergqvist, Åsa, Äg: Margareta Zederfelt, Skövde

Qual bitch Good bone and subst Lovely gate and carr Large fem head Very good skull Could have a bigger ribcage and frontlegs could be straighter Corr bodylength Lovely topline Tailcarr corr Exc coat text Supersite gate



Ziams Highland Queen S63333/2008 f 080920 e. SE UCH NO UCH  Ziams Return Of A Jida u NORD UCH Coco Chanel Uppf Leslie Anne &  Lars Bergqvist, Åsa, Äg Ann-Christin Gummesson, Åsa

Strong well made bitch Very good bone and subst Typical sidegate and carr Fem expr Needs a little more strength in muzzle Ribcage is good Front could be a little firmer Strong topline Good tailset Corr coat Good strong mover

UKL 1 KK 3




Amstars Daisy Boo N03195/07 f 070126 e Multi Ch Raptures Prelude To Ovations u NO UCH Ziams Girl Power uppf Unni Amundsen Norge äg ds

Sound fem bitch Lovely bone and subst Ideal size Good fem expr Could have a larger skull and a little more strength in muzzle Well made front Exc ribcage Strong topline Beautiful tailcarr Coat is very good Lovely profile A little unsettle in front



Collchows Withney S68486/2007 f 070926  e. NO UCH   SE UCH Nord JV-06 Viola-Hirta´s Special Creation  u. Collchows Happy  uppf Susanne Hansson, Henån  äg ds

Fem bitch Lovely size Very nice carr and temp Pleasing head Good skull A little weak in underjaw Good neck and shoulders Corr ribcage Topline could be stronger Tail is ok Exc coat text Strong profile gate A little weak in front

ÖKL 1 KK 4


Duttebo’s Janis Joplin S50998/2008 f 080623 e Khe-San’s King Creole u Khe-San’s Honky Tonk Kayana uppf Gun Ekholm Handen äg Christina Friberg Ryssby

Fem bitch Good bone and subst Corr bodylength Large fem head Very good skull Corr ribcage Frontlegs could be straighter Topline is good Tailset ok Good coat text Movement coming and going was very good



Fossella It’s A Girl S51128/2005 f 050714 e Multi Ch Fossella Kama Sutra u Fossella Love Me Do uppf, Bodil Fossenius, Skurup äg, Nina Lundbladh, Löberöd

Strong well made bitch but still fem Very good bone and subst Large skull Very good eye Strong underjaw Well slung chest Firm elbows Topline a little weak Good tailcarr In profile the gate is very typical Good moving coming and going



Pericolos Ella Of Frell 10900/2005 f 041122 e SE UCH NO UCH   Fossella Capo di Frutti Capi u Ziams Obsession uppf, Rita & Kim Bokdalen, Fjärås, äg Rita Bokdalen, Fjärås

Lovely fem bitch Good bone and subst Large skull Very good eye Well made front Exc ribcage Topline a little weak High set tail Very good coat text   Strong profile gate front is a little close



Angelo Rosolen Italien äg ds


Il Pericolos Gucci  27240/2007 f 070323 e  NO UCH NORD UCH INT UCH  Lady Chimas Oriental Gool To Bee u Il Pericolos Ella Of Frell uppf Rita & Kim Bokdalen Fjärås äg, Rita Bokdalen Fjärås

Fem bitch Good subst Not showing well in the heat Large fem head Very good eye Large ribcage Frontlegs could be straighter Topline is ok Tailset and carr could be better Good coat text Movement a little weak Temp unsettle



Kjeann’s Once In A Million S21512/2008 f 080204 e. SE UCH DK UCH Aksu Love In My Heart u. Kjeann´s Night Of Passion, Uppf: Anne Bohman, Halmstad, Äg: Kathleen Berggren, Uddevalla

Very fem bitch Lovely size Good bone and subst Has very typical carr on the move Fem expr Well slung chest Ribcage has good length Good tailset and carr Topline a little higher in the rear Moves with purpose and attityd



Mismås Made For Me S54166/2008 f  080706 e. Multi Ch Fossella Kama Sutra u. SE UCH Mismås Laura Biagiotti. Uppf. Birgitta Norström, Lerum. Äg. Ingela  Schönström, Eslöv

Sound well made bitch Good bone and subst Pleasing carr on the move Fem expr Good skull Eyes could be larger Exc ribcage Firm elbows Lovely tailcarr Exc coat Front is a little weak but the side carr is good



Rumptrolls Cherie 48584/2004 f 040704 e SE UCH Tipsy-Toe’s Short Cut u Anastasia uppf, Madeleine  Åman-Freijs Angered, äg ds

Fem bitch Good subst Well bal Pleasing head and expr Good nosepad I would like a larger ribcage but the bone is good Topline could be stronger Good tailcarr Exc coat Strong profile gate Front is a little close



NO UCH Ziams Girl Power S25931/ 2005 f 050309e Kucheng Express Delivery u SE UCH ZIams Let Me Be the One uppf Lars & Leslie Anne Bergqvist Åsa äg Unni Amundsen Norge

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SE UCH Rumptrolls Judy Garland 33057/2005 f 050414 e  SE UCH DK UCH  Tipsy Toe’s Born at The Right Time u Anastasia uppf Madeleine Åman-Freij, Angered äg ds

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DK UCH SE UCH Tangse Tina Turner S57770/2005 f 050810 e SE UCH FI UCH  Tangse Midnight Cowboy u JWW-98 NORD UCH  Tangse Samantha Wee uppf Rose Åkersten Sollentuna äg Lena Rehn Agnesberg

Stylish fem bitch Good subst Pleasing head Could have a larger eye Well slung front Elbows could be firmer Lovely tailset and carr Exc coat Moves with a good carr and attityde



SE UCH Tibets Pride’s Prelude To A Kiss  S45551/2006 f 0605 28  e. Multi Ch Raptures Prelude to Ovations u. SE UCH Tibets Pride’s Licorice Drop  Uppf & Äg: Margareta Hansen, Kungsbacka

Strong well made bitch Good subst A little lazy on the move Very fem head Lovely eye Good skull Exc ribcage Topline a little weak Tailcarr is good Corr coat Movement was sound coming and going



NORDV-08 SE UCH SEV-09 Yung Lo´s Double Trouble S15010/2007 f  061206  e. MultiCh Tangse Robin Fantasy u. MultiCh Fossella Smell Of Chanel Uppf. Sofi & Peter Pålsson, Tygelsjö Äg:  Linda Lindkvist, Malmö

Stylish fem bitch Lovely size Good subst Very good carr on the move Good fem expr Could have more strength in the muzzle Well made front Strong topline Tail is a little flat Exc coat Lovely profile gate A little weak coming and going



NORD UCH FI UCH SE UCH  Ziams Delicious Design  S36237/2007 f 070423  e. Multi Ch Raptures Prelude To Ovations  u. NORD UCH   Ziams Coco Chanel Uppf & Äg: Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa

Beautiful bitch full of qual Sound well made body with good subst Large skull Good eye Strong underjaw Well made front Strong bone Topline could be stronger Corr tailcarr Lovely coat Good steady mover





INT UCH NORD UCH NO UCH VWW-08 Y’u Tai’s One Vanila Girl N16637/00 f 000426 e SE UCH NO UCH  Shierikos Ringo Star u Y’u Tai’s One Good Looking uppf Hilde Berit Berthaussen Norge äg, Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv

High qual bitch Lovely fem expr Well made front Very good bone Topline is a little soft Super tailset and carr Exc coat Lovely profile gate and good kick in the rear when moving





Ziams kennel, Leslie-Anne o Lars Bergqvist Åsa

Tävlar med följande hundar;

Ziams Don’t Get Mad Get Even,Ziams Highland Lass, Ziams Delicious Dreamgirl, Ch Ziams Delicious Design

Strong even type Lovely bone and subst Great tailcarr The best feature is the arrogant side carr and attityde Lovely class of dogs