Domare:  Carola Vorderstemann                                                                          

Ringsekreterare:  Birgitta Kleveby & Joakim Ohlsson



Valpklass 4-6mån.                                               Hanhundar


1.            FORMAREGÅRDENS ÄRROL FLUMM, S43206/2004, f 040518

                   e. Ch Tangse Midnight Cowboy

               u. Formaregårdens Royal Rain Drop

               Uppf  Elsa Lyman, Norberg

                   Äg  Marketta Wahlström, Altuna Fröslunda 29, 740 83 Fjärdhundra

                   Kritik saknas


2.            FOSSELLA SIMPLE SIMON, S41046, f 040430

                   e. Fossella Kama Sutra

                   u. Fossella Love Me Do

                   Uppf  Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

                   Äg  Lena Carlsson, Solstigen 1, 182 53 Danderyd

                   Kritik saknas


3.            KHE-SAN´S DON MASETTO, S45800/2004, f 040503

                   e. Ch Ziams Return of A Jida                      

                   u. Lovelion Sweet Talking      

                   Uppf  Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad           

                   Äg  Ulli Samuelsson, Björngatan 7, 564 35 Bankeryd

                   Golden/white good shape nostrils could be larger good pigment.

                    The eyes showing a little bit of white good ribcage hindmovement

                    a bit close shows well.

                    Oplac valpkl


4.            KHE-SAN´S DON SJUAN, S45804/2004, f 040503

               e. Ch Ziams Return of A Jida                      

                   u. Lovelion Sweet Talking      

                   Uppf  Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad           

               Äg  Marie Blomqvist, Hedeforsv. 48C, 443 38 Lerum

                   Smaller type good sharpe small head ribcage has to develop good tail.

                   Beautiful coat very good movement shows well.

                   Oplac valpkl


5.               LADY CHIMA´S X-BLACK-TO BEE, S46824/2004, f 040531

               e. Bacalos Oliwer Twist

                   u. Lady Chima´s Oriental Lion to Bee

                   Uppf  Barbro Sabel Stockhaus, Bodafors

               Äg  Karin Sällman, Sandsjövägen 64, 571 61 Bodafors

                   Deltar ej


6.            LADY CHIMA´S X-TRA-LION-TO BEE, S46825/2004, f 040531         

                   e. Bacalos Oliwer Twist

                   u. Lady Chima´s Oriental Lion to Bee

                   Uppf  Barbro Sabel Stockhaus, Bodafors

                   Äg  Ewa Lennemar, Carlslund 4, 681 92 Kristinehamn

                   Solid gold very good type good bones good head good ribcage good tailset.

                   Good movement and temperament very nice puppy.

                   2 valpkl


7.            LADY CHIMA´S X-TRA-TO BEE, S46823/2004, f 040531

                   e. Bacalos Oliwer Twist

                   u. Lady Chima´s Oriental Lion to Bee

                   Uppf  Barbro Sabel Stockhaus, Bodafors

                   Äg  Gizela Jadelans, Ängomsvägen 9, 864 33 Matfors

                   Golden/white masculin puppy good type good head nostrils could be

                   more open. And eyes bigger heavily boned good ribcage and tail.

                   Beautiful coat needs more confidence.

                   Oplac valpkl


8.            TANGSE FRÄKKE FREDRIK, S45794/2004, f 040415

               e. Ch Tangse Robin Fantasy

                   u. Ch Bågas Columbin

                   Uppf  Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

               Äg  Elena Pesonen,  Lindvallsgatan 11 lgh 20, 117 36 Stockholm

                   Golden/white very masculine excellent shape very good head good pigment

                   Eyes could be bigger very good ribcage and tail good coat very good

                   Temperament  shows well.

                   3 valpkl


9.               TANGSE STÖRSTE CHARMÖR,  S45795/2004, f 040415

                   e. Ch Tangse Robin Fantasy

                   u. Ch Bågas Columbin

                   Uppf & Äg  Rose Åkersten, Malmvägen 24 B. 191 60 Sollentuna

                   Excellent puppy beautiful allover heavy bones beautiful shape beautiful head

                   and expression good pigment very good ribcage highest tail showes very well

                   very good movement.

                   1 valpkl Hp Bästa hanvalp Bir                  




Valpklass   6-9mån.               Hanhundar                    


10.             FORMAREGÅRDENS ÅLVAR, S28031/2004, f 040315      

                   e. Ch Formaregårdens One and Only

                   u. Ch Formaregårdens Nicki-Docka

                   Uppf & Äg  Elsa Lyman,  Formaregatan 23, 738 30 Norberg

                   Gold/white very good type good front good forechest and ribcage good

                   angulation good tailset beautiful head and expression good mouth and pigment

                   very good coat very good movement very good temperament.

                   2 valpkl Hp


11.          FORMAREGÅRDENS ÅSSY, S28032/2004, f 040315

                   e. Ch Formaregårdens One and Only

                   u. Ch Formaregårdens Nicki-Docka

                   Uppf  Elsa Lyman, Norberg

               Äg  Susanne Granlund, Strandvägen 33 A, 147 63  Uttran

                   Golden/white heavy bones good type beautiful head and expression good pigment

                   good front and forechest good ribcage very good hindquarters good tailset moves

                   well needs more confidence.

                   3 valpkl Hp      


12.          KATITZI´S BRIGHT LIGHT, S28704/2004, f 040312

e. Ch Ziams Return of A Jida

u. Katitzi´s Lady in Red

Uppf  Katarin & Tage Strömbäck, Grästorp

Äg Iréne Crambert, Solhemsvägen 13, 163 54 Spånga

Golden/white good type heavy bones good head and pigment very good mouth.

Good front and forechest good ribcage very good tailset good movement good

coat needs more confidence.

R valpkl


13.          KHE-SAN´S ZIC ZAC, S19909/2004, f 040127   

                   e. Ch Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

               u. Tangse Lily

               Uppf  Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

               Äg  Annicka & Hans Eriksson, Fläderbärsstigen 6, 434 91 Kungsbacka

                   Golden/white good type good bone beautiful head and expression mouth could

                   be more wide good front needs more forechest good ribcage and hindangulation

                   tail a bit flat beautiful coat very sound mover.

                   Oplac valpkl            


14.          KIN-DAI´S CALIPPO, S31565/2004, f 040331    

               e. Caydora´s Custom-Made  

               u. Kin-Dai´s Citrus Marmelade

               Uppf  Kerstin Pettersson, Tyresö

               Äg  Pia Malmqvist & Lilian Nordell, Smedvägen 13, 136 46 Haninge

                   Black/white a bit high on leg good head and expression good front and forechest.

                   Ribcage has to develop good hindangulation and tail good coat good movement.

                   Needs more confidence.

                   Oplac valpkl


15.          LIMAPA´S CHAI LATTE, S18160/2004, f 040204                  

               e. Ch Lyckobringarens Wu-Ling-Wong

               u. Khe-San´s Snow Bird

               Uppf  Lillvi Dellgren, Eslöv

               Äg  Ingela Schönström, Box 117, 241 25 Eslöv

                   Black/white very good type beautiful head and expression good mouth and pigment.

                   Good forechest and ribcage good hindangulation good tail beautiful coat shows well.

                    Front movement not correct.

                    4 valpkl Hp


16.          MAI-TAI´S CAPTAIN DRAGONHEART, S32529/2004, f 040316

               e. Ch Lady Chima´s Trust Captain Cristy

                   u. Mai-Tai´s Queenie-Lee

                   Uppf  Ulla-Carin & Curth Ljungh, Ljusdal

                   Äg  Ulla-Carin Ljung, Bäckänge 32, 827 92 Ljusdal

                   Deltar ej


17.             NETTLAVALLENS THIM SKOTTE ALMASON, S25669/2004, f 040229

                   e. Ch Popeye´s Artful Dodger

                   u. Chowo-Liz Alma

               Uppf  Kathleen Berggren, Markaryd

                   Äg  Monica Berggren, Sagovgäen 15, 285 37 Markaryd

                   Golden/white heavy bones bigger type a bit high on leg good head and expression.

                   Very good mouth good front and forechest good hindangulation and tail beautiful

                    coat movement a bit close behind shows well.

                    Oplac valpkl


18.          TANGSE SUPER ZEB, S36901/2001, f 040407

                   e. Tangse Lion King

                   u. Tangse Dancing Adeline

                   Uppf  Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

                   Äg  Elena Pesonen, Lindvallsgatan 11 lgh 20, 117 36 Stockholm

                   Golden/white very good type good bone beautiful head and expression good front

                   and forechest good ribcage and hindangulation beautiful highest tail very good

                   movement shows well.

                   1 valpkl Hp


Valpklass 4-6mån.                 Tikar


19.          FOSSELLA SHOW ME. S41049/2004, f 040430

                   e. Fossella Kama Sutra

                   u. Fossella Love Me Do

                   Uppf & Äg  Bodil Fossenius, Lovisefarm, 274 94 Skurup

                   Golden/white beautiful type good bones beautiful head expression good pigment

                   good ribcage and forechest high tailset beautiful coat needs more confidence but a

                   very beautiful puppy.

                   2 valpkl


20.          KHE-SAN´S DONNA SERLINA, S45806/2004, f 040503     

                   e. Ch Ziams Return of A Jida                      

                   u. Lovelion Sweet Talking      

                   Uppf  Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad           

                   Äg  Eva Lindholm, Gevärsgatan 13, 723 38 Västerås

                   Golden/white smaller type lighter bone very nice outline good pigment good

                   ribcage good tailset beautiful coat shows well good movement very good temperament.

                   Oplac valpkl


21.             LADY CHIMA´S X-LION-TO BEE, S46826/2004, f 040531

                   e. Bacalos Oliwer Twist

                   u. Lady Chima´s Oriental Lion to Bee

                   Uppf  Barbro Sabel Stockhaus, Bodafors

                   Äg  Ewa Lennemar, Carlslund 4, 681 92 Kristinehamn

                   Solid black good bones very good outline very good head beautiful expression  

                   very good pigment good ribcage and tailset beautiful coat good temperament.

                   Moves well.

                   R valpkl


22.             LADY CHIMA´S X-ORIENTAL-TO BEE, S46827/2004, f 040531

                   e. Bacalos Oliwer Twist

                   u. Lady Chima´s Oriental Lion to Bee

                   Uppf  Barbro Sabel Stockhaus, Bodafors

                   Äg  Therése Ericson, Centralgatan 21, 577 50 Silverdalen

                   Deltar ej


23.          MAX GARDEN´S BLUE TIT SURPRISE, S44298/2004, f 040510

                   e. Ch Tangse Diamond Gun

                   u. Li-Lai´s Eye Catching Beauty                   

                   Uppf  Gunnel Andersson,  Onsala

                   Äg  Cia Balkefors & Gunnel Andersson, Vallbyvägen 10, 812 30 Storvik

                   Golden/white good bones good type good head good pigment good ribcage and tailset.

                   Beautiful coat good temperament.

                   Oplac valpkl


24.          TANBELL´S KIARA, S42306/2004, f 040521

                   e. Ch Tanbell´s King of the Savannah

                   u. Tangse Pamela

                   Uppf & Äg  Susanne Sarmell, Päronvägen 5, 136 72 Haninge

                   Golden/white very good type heavy bones very good head good pigment big chest good

                   tailset beautiful coat she knows what she want and she doesn´t want to move today.

                   4 valpkl


25.             TANGSE CHINA DOLL, S45798/2004, f 040415

                   e. Ch Tangse Robin Fantasy

                   u. Ch Bågas Columbin

                   Uppf & Äg  Rose Åkersten, Malmvägen 24 B. 191 60 Sollentuna

                   Golden/white excellent type good bones beautiful head and expression good pigment

                   deep chest highest tail beautiful coat good movement but she dosen´t want to put her

                   tail up.Needs more confidence.

                   3 valpkl


26.             TANGSE CLOE, S45796/2004, f 040415

                   e. Ch Tangse Robin Fantasy

                   u. Ch Bågas Columbin

                   Uppf & Äg  Rose Åkersten, Malmvägen 24 B. 191 60 Sollentuna

                   Golden/white excellent type beautiful head and expression good bone deep chest.

                   Good tailset beautiful coat very good movement doesn´t want to carry the tail properly.

                   Needs more confidence.

                   1 valpkl


Valpklass 6-9mån                  Tikar        


27.             KHE-SAN´S DIXIE CHIK, S19906/2004, f 040117

                   e. Ch Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

               u. Linbackens Hot´n Gold Lola

               Uppf  Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

               Äg  Anette Aulik Hissing, Notvarpsvägen 13, 148 95 Muskö

                   Golden/white good type good bone beautiful head and expression month could be

                   more wide.good pigment good chest and front good hindangulation good tailset beautiful coat

                   good temperament.moved a bit close behind.

                   R valpkl 


28.          KHE-SAN´S HONKY TONK KAYANA, S19907/2004, f 040117            

                   e. Ch Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

               u. Linbackens Hot´n Gold Lola

               Uppf  Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

                   Äg  Gun Ekholm, Stenvägen 19, 136 48 Haninge

                   Golden/white excellent type good bone beautiful head which could be a bit larger good

                   pigment mouth could be more wide nostrils could be more open good chest and hind-

                   angulation good tailset good coat good movement.

                   Oplac valpkl


29.           KHE-SAN´S ZHARA LEANDER, S19913/2004, f 040127

                   e. Ch Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

                   u. Tangse Lily

                   Uppf  Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

                   Äg  Antonio Sanchez, Ringvägen 6, 117 26  Stockholm

                   Golden/white excellent type good bone beautiful head and expression good month

                   and pigment prefer more forechest good ribcage good hindangulation good tailset

                   beautiful coat shows well.

                   2 valpkl Hp


30.          KHE-SAN´S ZIN GO ALLA, S19910/2004, f 040127

                   e. Ch Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

                   u. Tangse Lily

                   Uppf  & Äg  Eva-Lena Sönksen, Viken 201, 460 21 Upphärad

                   Golden/white beautiful type head and expression good pigment month should

                   be more wide very good ribcage would like more forechest very good hind-

                   angulation good tailset beautiful coat shows well good movement..

                   3 valpkl Hp


31.          KIN-DAI´S LOLLIPOP, S31567/2004, f 040331 

               e. Caydora´s Custom-Made  

               u. Kin-Dai´s Citrus Marmelade

               Uppf & Äg  Kerstin Pettersson, Mosaikgränd 56, 135 63 Tyresö

                   Black/white smaller type good head and expression good month good ribcage

                   And forechest topline has develop not enough angulation behind good tailset

                   and coat needs more confidence in the ring.

                   Oplac valpkl


32.          KIN-DAI´S SOLERO, S31568/2004, f 040331     

                   e. Caydora´s Custom-Made  

               u. Kin-Dai´s Citrus Marmelade

                   Uppf  Kerstin Pettersson, Tyresö

                   Äg  Jane Cidell, Ripvägen 1, 132 47 Saltsjö-Boo

                   Golden/white hightly boned good head and pigment good front a bit long in back good

                   hindangulation good coat good tailset should move with more power.

                  Oplac valpkl.


33.          LIMAPA´S CAFÉ CON LECHE,  S18157/2004, f  040204

               e. Ch Lyckobringarens Wu-Ling-Wong

               u. Khe-San´s Snow Bird

               Uppf  Lillvi Dellgren, Eslöv

               Äg Therese Pettersson, Almlundavägen 65, 245 92 Staffanstorp

                   Golden/white good type heavy bone beautiful head and expression good pigment

                   Month should be more wide good front big chest good hindangulation tailset a

                   bit low beautiful coat shows well with good drive.

                   4 valpkl Hp


34.             MAI-TAI´S LADY MARMELADE, S32530/2004, f 040316

                   e. Ch Lady Chima´s Trust Captain Cristy

                   u. Mai-Tai´s Queenie-Lee

                   Uppf  Ulla-Carin & Curth Ljungh, Ljusdal

                   Äg  Anders Ottosson, Gerstorp Tjärarp 1, 585 99 Linköping

                   Golden/white heavy bones very good type good head the eyes could be larger

                   and month wider good pigment good front and forechest good ribcage good tailset

                   good hindangulation beautiful coat shows well hindmovement not correct.

                   Oplac valpkl


35.             MAI-TAI´S LEADING LADY LEE, S32531/2004, f 040316

                   e. Ch Lady Chima´s Trust Captain Cristy

                   u. Mai-Tai´s Queenie-Lee

                   Uppf  Ulla-Carin & Curth Ljungh, Ljusdal

                   Äg  Ulla-Carin Ljung, Bäckänge 32, 827 92 Ljusdal

                   Deltar ej


36.             NETTLAVALLENS TOVA KIPPERSDOTTER, S25671/2004, f 040229

                   e. Ch Popeye´s Artful Dodger                

                   u. Choowo-Liz Alma

                   Uppf & Äg  Kathleen Berggren, Tvåans väg 6 C, 285 40 Markaryd

                   Golden/white good type good bone good head and month good front and chest

                   good ribcage a bit long in back good hindangulatio and tailset beautiful coat

                   shows well good movement.

                   Oplac valpkl


37.             YRINGHS GRACE JONES, S20282/2004, f 040121

                   e. Yringhs Eminent

                   u. Yringhs Cocky

                   Uppf  Ylva Ringh, Norrköping

                   Äg  Inger Ekström, Finntorpsvägen 18, 733 94 Sala

                   Deltar ej


38.             YRINGHS GREATNESS, S20283/2004, f 040121

                   e. Yringhs Eminent

                   u. Yringhs Cocky

                   Uppf  Ylva Ringh, Norrköping

                   Äg  Inger Ekström, Finntorpsvägen 18, 733 94 Sala

                   Deltar ej


39.             ZIAMS HARD HEADED WOMEN, S15843/2004, f 040121                    

                   e. Ch Ziams Return of A Jida

                   u. Ch Ziams Pennylane

                   Uppf & Äg  Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist, Folkhögskolevägen 14, 430 31 Åsa

                   Golden/white good type good bone correct head and expression good pigment.

                   Month could be more wide good front and forechest good ribcage good hind-

                   angulation good tailset beautiful coat a bit in long in back shows well correct


                   1 valpkl Hp Bt-valp 1 Bim


40.             ZIAMS WANT TO BREAK FREE, S15838/2004, f 040117

                   e. Ziams Calvin Kleine

                   u. Ziams The Red Label

                   Uppf  Lesslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa

                   Äg  Lena Rehn, Norra Röseredsvägen 14, 424 38 Agnesberg

                   Golden/white good type beautiful head and expression very good head good

                   pigment and month  good ribcage would like more forechest good tailset would

                   like better  hindangulation beautiful coat shows well but moves close behind.

                   Oplac valpkl


41.             ÖSTERLYCKAN´S PRINCESS GRACE, S21837/2004, f 040116

                   e. Österlyckans Prins Carl

                   u. Il Pericolo´s Al Ice             

                   Uppf & Äg  Emma-Sofi Bellmark, Gränsvägen 17 A, 183 56 Täby

                   Black/white correct type enough bone correct head good month ribcage

                   has to develop good front good tailset enough hindangulation good coat

                   shows well correct movement.

                   Oplac valpkl



Juniorklass                            Hanhundar


42.             KHE-SAN´S JERRY WILLIAMS,  S50235/2003 f 030727  

e. Ch Khe-San´s Zim-Zala-Bim

u. Ch Linbackens Gingerbread Heart

Uppf  Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad

Äg Gunilla Lindberg, Snödroppsvägen 35, 737 42 Fagersta

Golden/white excellent type beautiful ontline beautiful head and expr.

good pigment good month deep chest good forechest good front good

hindangulation high tailset moves well.

1 jkl 2 jkk Ck


43.             KHE-SAN´S TOM JONES S50234/2003 f030727

e. Ch Khe-San´s Zim-Zala-Bim

u. Ch Linbackens Gingerbread Heart

                   Uppf  Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad

                   Äg Marianne Jonasson, Appelmansväg 3, 790 20 Grycksbo

                  Golden/white heavy boned dog excellent type beautiful head and expression

                  good pigment month should be more wide big ribcage good forechest and

                  front good hindangulation good tailset tail could be a bit longer beautiful

                  coat moves very well good temperament.

                  1 jkl 1 jkk Ck Bhkl-4


44.          LILLEFOTS ESSENTIAL OF HOPE, S55347/2003, f 030824

                   e. Lillefots Choise Too Bee Unique

                   u. Lillefots Alice-Babs

                   Uppf  Ewa Lennermar, Kristinehamn

                   Äg  Kristina Rylander, Bottsviken Box 1006, 680 71 Björneborg

                   Golden/white heavy bones good type good head and expression good pigment

                   and month good front and ribcage a bit long in back enough hindangulation  

                   high tailset good coat very good movement shows well.

                   1 jkl 4 jkk Hp


45.             TANGSE SONNY S54833/2003 f 030801

                   e. Ch Tangse Midnight Cowboy  

                   u. Tangse Dancing Adeline

                   Uppf Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

                   Äg  Jolanta Cronsioe, Runstensväg 20, 136 46 Han

                  Golden/white heavy boned correct type good head and expression

                  correct month good pigment good front and ribcage good forechest

                  good hindangulation correct tail beautiful coat moves very well very

                  good temperament.

                  1 jkl 3 jkk Hp


46.             TIN-TIN, S16019/2004, f 040105

                   e. Jade Hill´s Ginko Biloba

                   u. Ronja

                   Uppf & Äg  Katherine Stjernlöf, Gulskärsvägen 10, 442 75 Lycke

                  Golden/white heavy bones bigger size masculine head good pigment

                  month could be more wide and the eyes could be a bit larger good ribcage

                  not enough forechest good hindangulation and tailset beautiful coat a bit

                  long in back correct movement needs more ringtraining.

                  2 jkl


47.             ZIAMS GIVE ME FIVE S52839/2003 f 030804

                   e. Ch Popeye´s Love´n Money

                   u. Ch Ziams Let Me Be The One 

                   Uppf Lesslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa

                   Äg Pia & My Malmqvist, Smedvägen 13, 136 46 Haninge

                   Golden/white heavy boned correct type masculine head good month

                   and pigment good chest and forechest elbows not tight enough hind-

                   angulation beautiful coat tail a bit flat correct movement needs more


                   2 jkl


Unghundsklass                      Hanhundar


48.             FOSSELLA KAMA SUTRA  S13016/2003 f 021207              

                   e. Santosha Midnight Caller

               u. Ch Fossella Smell of Chanel

                   Uppf Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

                   Äg  Sofi Olsson, Malmö

                   Black/white excellent type good bones beautiful head and expr good

                   month and pigment good front not enough forechest big ribcage good

                   hindangulation good tail presented in beautiful condition shows well

                   frontmovement not correct good temperament.

                   1 ukl 1ukk Ck Bhkl-R


49.             JOY´S PAPPAGALLO PREZIOSO, S29538/2003, f 030326

                   e. Such Ziams Great Balls of Fire

                   u. Joy´s Zanzara

                   Uppf  Marie Blom, Nyköping

                   Äg  Margaretha Davies, Arrendevägen 7B, 175 54 Järfälla

                   Golden/white good bones a bit high on legs good front good forechest

                   ribcage has to develop good hindangulation masculine head good month

                  and pigment the eyes could be a bit larger tailset a bit flat soft coat moves

                  very well very good temperament.

                  2 ukl



Öppen klass                           Hanhundar


50.             FORMAREGÅRDEN NIMBUS, S55534/97, f 971023          

               e. Tangse Zoogin

                   u. Zaida-of Zorro

                   Uppf  Elsa Lyman, Norberg

                   Äg  Lena Carlsson, Solstigen 1, 182 53 Danderyd

                   Golden/white correct type heavy bone typical head and expression good

                   month big chest a bit straight in shoulder enough forechest good hindangulation

                  correct tailset beautiful coat correct movement good temperament.

                  1 ökl 4 ökk


51.             LADY CHIMA´S REAL TUTTI CAPI, S54806/2000, f 000921

C                e. Ch Fossella Capo di Tutti Capi

               u. Lady Chima´s Madam Dee´Bee

                   Uppf  Barbro Sabel-Stockhaus, Bodafors

                   Äg  Lena Persson & Barbro Sabel-Stockhaus, Sidenvägen 25, 179 34 Ekerö

                  Golden/white excellent type beautiful head and expression good month and

                  pigment big ribcage enough forechest not straight enough frontlegs good

                  hindangulation good tailset beautiful coat correct movement shows well.

                  1 ökl 1 ökk Bhkl-3 Cert Champion


52.          MAI-TAI´S LET´S TWIST AGAIN, S37422/2001, f 010426

                   e. Ch Santosha Dancing Brave

                   u. Mai-Tai´s Disco Dixie

                   Uppf & Äg  Ulla-Carin Ljungh, Bäckänge32, 827 92 Ljusdal

                   Deltar ej


53.             TANBELL´S NAPO-LEON,  S40110/2002  f 020523                            

                   e. Kin-Dai´s Frosty Flower

                   u. Ch Tanbell´s Jungle Jane

                   Uppf  Susanne Sarmell, Haninge

                   Äg  Lilian Nordell, Krogtäppan 184, 136 53 Haninge

                   Good type masculine head and expression good month and pigment

                   big ribcage enough forechest elbows not tight correct hindangulation

                   flat tail beautiful coat correct movement shows well.

                   1 ökl 2 ökk Ck


54.             TIPSY-TOE´S SHORT CUT, S31945/2001 f 010418

C                e. Ch Jardhu the Clansman

                   u. Ch Tibets Pride´s Visible Difference

                   Uppf & Äg  Lena Rhen, Norra Röseredsvägen 14, 424 38 Agnesberg

                   Brindle a bit high on legs good bone masculine head good month and

                   pigment good ribcage elbows not tight correct hindangulation correct

                   tailset carried a bit flat presented in beautiful condition.

                  2 ökl


55.             ZIAMS CALVIN KLEINE, S21948/2002, f 020304

C                e. Ch Popeye´s Love n´Money

                   u. Ch Ziams Let Me Be The One

                   Uppf Leslie-Ann & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa

                   Äg  Lena Rhen, Norra Röseredsvägen 14, 424 38 Agnesberg

                   Golden/white correct type heavy bone masculine head good month

                   and pigment big chest correct front good hindangulation and tailset

                   beautiful coat correct movement good temperament.

                   1 ökl 3 ökk Ck


56.             ZIAMS LORD AND MASTER, S59501/2000, f 001118

C                e. Ch Ziams Lord of the Dance

                   u. Ziams The Red Label

                   Uppf  Leslie-Ann & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa

                   Äg  Katarina Strömbäck, Kolsbogården 6, 467 91 Grästorp

                  Golden/white correct type heavy boned masculine head and expression

                  broad jaw good pigment big ribcage not enough forechest enough  

                  hindangulation beautiful tailset and coat moves well good temperament.

                  1 ökl R ökk



Championklass                      Hanhundar


57.             S FINUCH GI-JAN´S FAIR N´SQUARE, S54524/00, f 001017

                   e. Ch Ziams Hugo Boss

                   u. Ch Gi-Jan´s Clear.Chance Lillis

                   Uppf & Äg Birgitta Jansson, Gränsstigen 10, 805 95 Gävle

                   Golden/white beautiful dog allover exquisite head and expression correct month

                   good pigment good front good forechest and ribcage good hindangulation correct

                   tail presented in beautiful condition sound mover good temperament.

                  1 chkl Ck Bhkl-2


58.          S NUCH KHE-SAN´S HARRY POTTER, S54672/2001 f 011009

                   e. Ch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News

                   u. Ch Charity´s Example For Khe-San

                   Uppf Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad

                   Äg Marianne Jonasson, Appelmansväg 3, 790 20 Grycksbo

                   Deltar ej


59.          WW-02 NORDV-00 KBHV-00-03 JWW-98 INT NORD NUCH

               KHE-SAN'S ZIM ZALA BIM  S30354/97   f.970428   

                   e. Ch Istas Look Out

                   u. Tangse O'Pretty Sue Ellen              

                   Uppf & Äg  Eva-Lena Sönksen, Viken 3253, 460 21 Upphärad

                   Golden/white beautiful type heavy bone beautiful head and expression broad jaw

                   good   pigment good front good forechest and hindangulation correct tail presented

                   in beautiful condition good movement good temperament.

                  2 chkl Ck


60.          S  FINUCH TANBELL´S LEADER IN TIME, S11332/2000 f 991205

                   e. Ch Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

                   u. Ch Ge Mih´s X-Zotic Bird

                   Uppf Susanne Sarmell, Haninge

                   Äg Lena Carlsson, Solstigen 1, 182 53 Danderyd

                   Golden/white very good type beautiful head and expression correct month good

                   pigment big ribcage enough forechest correct hindangulation heavy bone correct

                   tail presented in beautiful condition correct movement good temperament.

                  4 chkl ck


61.          NORDUCH TANGSE DIAMOND GUN, S15699/99 f 981202

          e. ChTangse Wiseguy

             u. Ch Bågas Columbin

             Uppf Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

             Äg Annicka & Hans Eriksson Fläderbärsstigen 6, 434 91 Kungsbacka

             Golden/white bigger size correct type heavy boned typical head and expression

             broad jaw big ribcage good forechest elbows not tight good hindangulation correct  

             tail showed in beautiful condition shows well typical movement.

             R chkl Ck


62.             S FINUCH TANGSE MIDNIGHT COWBOY  S30503/2001, f 010305

                   e. Ch Pekings Just Brandy Tangse  

                   u. Tangse Song of Woodoo

                   Uppf & Äg  Rose Åkersten, Malmvägen 24B, 191 60 Sollentuna

                   Solid black excellent type heavy boned big head beautiful expression broad jaw

                   good front enough forechest big ribcage correct hindangulation and tail in beautiful

                   condition very sound mover good temperament.

                  3 chkl Ck



Veteranklass                         Hanhundar


63.             NORD & DKUCH TANBELL´S HERE I COME, S16608/96  f 951216

                   e. Ch Tangse Wee Wa Zapata                                       

                   u. Ch Ge-Mih´s X-Zotic Bird

                   Uppf & Äg  Susanne Sarmell, Päronvägen 5, 136 72  Haninge

                   Golden/white excellent type heavy bone beautiful head and expression broad jaw

                   good pigment good front very good forechest and ribcage very good hindangulation

                  correct tailset beautiful dog in beautiful condition very good movement shows very well.

                  1 vetkl Ck Bhkl-1 Bir Birveteran


64.          INT NORD DKUCH JWW-96 SV-97,98 NordV-99

          TANGSE ROCK A BILLY REBEL  S28431/95   f.950307  

          e. Ch Formaregårdens Zorro   

             u. Tangse Cassandra Wee

                   Uppf & Äg   Rose Åkersten, Malmvägen 24B, 191 60 Sollentuna

                   Deltar ej


65.          TAWELLAS BALTHA-ZAAR, S55282/97, f 971004

               e. Ch Spovens Jolly Joshua

                   u. Yringhs A X-tra Love Song

                   Uppf & Äg  Inger Ekström, Finntorpsväg. 18, 733 94 Sala

                   Deltar ej



Juniorklass                            Tikar


66.          BELLINGS KANDY-KRUPP, S65075/2003, f 031111

               e. Ch Zanzaw´s Casanova

                   u. Kläpphällans Isabella

                   Uppf  Elda Högling, Harads

                   Äg  Melita Princis, Ottesångsvägen 6, 151 34 Södertälje

                   Golden/white brindle masculine bitch heavy boned big head masculine expression

                   good month good pigment very good forechest and ribcage elbows not tight 

                   enough hindangulation topline has to develop correct tailset a bit flat beautiful coat

                   correct movement needs more ringtraining.

                   2 jkl


67.          DOLLY, S16020/2004, f 040105           

                   e. Jade-Hill´s Ginko Biloba

                   u. Ronja

                   Uppf & Äg  Katherine Stjernlöf. Gulskärsvägen 10, 442 75 Lycke

                   Crème/white bigger size a bit high on legs good bone beautiful head and expression

                   jaw could be more wide good pigment not enough forechest good front and ribcage

                   enough hindangulation correct tail beautiful coat correct movement good temperament

                   needs more ringtraining.

                   2 jkl


68.             LILLEFOTS ESSENTIAL OF LOVE , S55348/2003,  f 030824

                   e. Lillefots Choise Too Bee Unique

                   u. Lillefots Alice-Babs

                   Uppf Ewa & Frida Lennemar, Kristinehamn

                   Äg  Ewa Lennemar, Carlslund 4, 681 92 Kristinehamn 

                   Golden/white a little bit high on leg good bone beautiful head and expression correct

                   month good pigment good forechest and ribcage elbows not tight correct hindangulation

                   good tail good coat correct movement good temperament.

                  1 jkl 1 jkk Ck


Unghundsklass                      Tikar


69.          LYCKOBRINGARENS CIN-DE-RELLA, S22962/2003, f 030216

               e. Tibet Pride´s Face the Facts

                   u. Lyckobringarens X-otic Lotus

                   Uppf  Margrethe Svendsén, Sandhult

                   Äg  Marja-Liisa Otra-Aho, Villavägen 22, 463 32  Lilla Edet

                   Deltar ej



Öppen klass                           Tikar


70.          AKSU ROCK AND DREAMS,  S56466/2000  f 000930

                   e. Ch Tsantha Devil May Dare

                   u. Fossella Drip Dry

                   Uppf  Anita Edring Sandberg, Skivarp

                   Äg  Inger Dahlström, Satellitvägen 11, 175 60 Järfälla

                   Black/white good size and bone correct head month could be more wide good

                   pigment good front and ribcage good forechest enough hindangulation correct

                   tailset good coat flat tail which spoils the balance very good mover.

                  2 ökl


71.          CHOOWO-LIZ ALMA, S49804/99, f 990908

C                e. Choowo-Liz Mazzetti

                   u. Linbackens Hot´n Dark Gossip

                   Uppf  Liz Larsson, Ellös

                   Äg  Kathleen Berggren, Tvåans väg 6 C, 285 40 Markaryd

                   Golden/white bigger size good bone correct head masculine expression good

                   month and pigment good front forechest and ribcage good hindangulation correct

                   tailset good coat good movement good temperament.

                  1 ökl


72.             COUNTRY FLOWERS MALVA ROSEA,  S21079/2002, f 020206

               e. Österlyckans Prins Carl

               u. Butterfly

               Uppf  Gro Andersson, Sollebrunn

                   Äg  Taina Samuelsson, Timotejvägen 10, 463 32 Lilla Edet

                   Black/white good size and type good bone correct head and expression good month

                   and pigment good front and forechest good ribcage good hindangulation good tail

                  good coat moves very well good temperament.

                 1 ökl


73.          IL PERICOLOS BUMBLE BEE, S13741/2001, f 010111

               e. Ch Tangse Diamond Gun

               u. Ziams Obsession

                   Uppf  Rita & Kim Bokdalen, Kungsbacka

                   Äg  Emma-Sofie Bellmark, Gränsvägen 17 A, 183 56 Täby

                   Golden/white good type heavy bone typical head and expression good forechest

                   and front good ribcage enough hindangulation correct tail good coat moves well

                   good temperament.

                  1 ökl R ökk


74.          JOY´S FIORE FANTASIA, S40675/2000, f 000602

                   e. Ch Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

                   u. Joy´s Zanzara

                   Uppf & Äg  Marie Blom, Smaragdvägen 20, 611 44 Nyköping

                   Golden/white correct type and size good bone good head too much……too small

                   nose with to tight nostrils which spoils the expr.elbows not tight big ribcage enough

                   hindangulation correct tailset good coat correct movement good temperament.

                   2 ökl


75.             KHE-SAN´S HEDDA HOPPER S54673/2001  f 011009

                   e. Ch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News

                   u. Ch Charity´s Example For Khe-San

                   Uppf Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

                   Äg Christine Fjellborg & Jörgen Ek , Ols Gustavs väg 12, 784 56 Borlänge

                   Golden/white excellent size and type beautiful head and expression good pigment

                   underjaw should be more wide good forechest big ribcage correct hindangulation

                   correct tail beautiful coat moves well good temperament.

                  1 ökl 2 ökk Ck Btkl-3


76.          LADY CHIMA´S UNIQUE MISTRAL, S53627/2002 f 020829

             e. Lady Chima´s Real Tutti Capi

             u. Lady Chima´s Non-Stop-To Bee             

                   Uppf & Äg Barbro Stockhaus-Sabel, Rosenhill, 571 66 Bodafors

                   Deltar ej


77.          LILLEFOTS COGAN´S BELIZE, S53622/2002, f 020903

                   e. Ch Hashanah Bee Unique

                   u. Lillefots alma-Cogan

                   Uppf  Ewa & Frida Lennemar, Kristinehamn

                   Äg  Frida Lennemar, Carlslund 4, 681 92  Kristinehamn

                   Deltar ej


78.          NETTLAVALLENS ALVINA SIXTENDOTTER, S16420/2002, f 020210

               e. Fannica´s Häftiga Harald

                   u. Choowo-Liz Alma

                   Uppf & Äg  Kathleen Berggren, Tvåans väg 6 C, 285 40 Markaryd

                   Brindle bigger size a little high on leg and loin in back good bone masculine head

                   and expression correct month good pigment good ribcage good front enough hind-

                   angulation correct tail but could be a bit longer good coat moved close behind.

                   2 ökl


79.          TANGSE CRYSTAL CROWN, S45911/2002, f 020621        

C                e. Ch Tangse Midnight Cowboy

                   u. Tangse Dancing Adeline

                   Uppf  Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

                   Äg Annalena & Matz Andersson, Bidevindsgatan 3, 802 72 Gävle

                   Black/white good size and type correct head and expression month could be a

                   bit more wide good pigment enough forechest good ribcage good hindangulation

                   beautiful coat correct movement good temperament.

                  1 ökl 4 ökk Ck Btkl-R


80.          TANGSE GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY, S30504/2001, f 010305

               e. Ch Pekings Just Brandy Tangse

                   u. Tangse Song of Voodoo

                   Uppf Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

                   Äg  Birgitta Stolt, Norralundsgatan 19 B, 602 14 Norrköping

                   Solid black good type good bone typical head and expression month should be

                   more wide good front and forechest big ribcage correct hindangulation and tailset

                   beautiful coat very sound mover good temperament.

                  1 ökl


81.             TANGSE PRISCILLA, S56736/2001 f 010923

          e. Tangse Zantana

             u. Bågas Carisma

                   Uppf  Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

                   Äg,  Anders Ottosson, Gerstorp Tjärarp 1, 585 99 Linköping

                   Golden/white excellent size and type good bone beautiful head and expression

                   month should be more wide good pigment not enough forechest good front and

                   ribcage enough hindangulation good tail beautiful coat typical movement

                   good temperament.

                  1 ökl 3 ökk Ck Btkl-4


82.          ZIAMS GOLDENEYE, S28954/2000, f 000414

C                e. Ch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil Stuff

                   u. Ch Ziams In Your Eyes I see the Light

                   Uppf & Äg  Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist, Folkhögskolevägen 14, 430 31 Åsa

                   Golden/white beautiful type bigger size typical head and expression correct month

                   good pigment good front and forechest  big ribcage enough hindangulation correct

                   tail which could be a bit longer beautiful coat moves well with happy temperament.

                  1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Btkl-1 cert Bim Championat!



Championklass                      Tikar



               S20955/99 f 990227 

                   e. Ch Tsantha Devil May Dare

                   u. Ch Fossella Dish of the Day

                   Uppf  Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

                   Äg  Bodil Olsson, Tvärskeppsgatan 4, 230 42 Tygelsjö

                   Black/white good size and type good bone correct head and expression good

                   month and pigment good front and forechest big ribcage correct hindangulation

                   and tail beautiful condition carries the tail a bit flat stylish mover.

                   2 chkl Ck


84.             SUCH GHIAS BEE-AH-TRIZ, S20186/99 f 990212

                   e. Ch Formaregårdens Zorro

                   u. Ch Anibes Ya-Lee-Tza

                   Uppf & Äg  Birgitta Holm, Brantingsgatan 15 nb, 115 35 Stockholm

                   Golden/white correct type and size good bone beautiful head and expr.correct

                   month good front and ribcage very good hindangulation tailset and coat correct

                   movement good temperament.

                  3 chkl ck


85.             SUCH TALE-SHIH´S CORINNE,  S47925/99, f 990731

                   e. Ch Santosha Dancing Brave

                   u. Tale-Shih´s Tess-Ling

                   Uppf  Venny Talvitie, Tumba

                   Äg  Alexis Valenzuela,  Loftvägen 10, 142 35 Skogås

                   Golden/white beautiful type and size excellent head and expression good month

                   and pigment good front and forechest big ribcage enough hindangulation good

                   tailset beautiful coat moves well good temperament.

                  1 chkl Ck Btkl-2



Veteranklass                         Tikar


86.             SUCH GI-JAN´S CLEAR-CHANCE LILLIS, S53420/93,f 930825

                   e. Ch Formaregårdens Zorro

                   u. Ch Ge-Mihs Miracle of Love

                   Uppf & Äg  Birgitta Jansson, Gränsstigen 10, 805 95 Gävle

                   Golden/white beautiful size and type typical head and expression good front

                   and forechest good ribcage correct hindangulation excellent tail presented in

                   beautiful condition moves very proudly with a lot of alluve.

                  1 vetkl Ck Bim-Veteran


87.             SUCH KIN-DAI´S AUTUMN FLOWERS, S52257/96, f 961007

                   e. Ch Tangse Rock-A-Billy Rebel                

                   u. Ch Weeline Sunflower

                   Uppf & Äg  Kerstin Pettersson. Mosaikgränd 56, 135 63 Tyresö

                   Solid gold beautiful type and size beautiful head and expression good month

                  and pigment good front and forechest good ribcage enough hindangulation correct

                  tailset in beautiful condition correct movement.

                 2 vetkl Ck





59.             WW-02 NORDV-00 KBHV-00 JWW-98 INT NORDUCH

               KHE-SAN'S ZIM ZALA BIM  S30354/97  

                   Tävlar med följande avkommor: 42, 43, 60, 74

                   Especially to the boys he gives very well his type and to all of them

                  shape bodies and coatquality.

                 1 HP Bästa Avel




KHE-SAN´S Kennel, Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

Tävlar med följande:  42, 43, 58, 59, 75

Very good for breedtype all of them beautiful heads and expression

good coats sound movers.

1 HP Bästa Grupp


TANGSE Kennel, Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

Tävlar med följande:  45, 61, 62, 64, 79, 80, 81

Deltar ej


ZIAMS Kennel, Leslie-Ann & Lars Bergqvist, Åsa

Tävlar med följande: 47, 55, 56, 82

Deltar ej