Skellefteå SST Övre Norra 2002 04 20 Domare Ferelith Somerfield



Valpklass 4-6 mån Hanar


1   Mjuka Mokasiners Plai-Boi  S-10680/2002

     E. Kin-Dai´s Frosty Flower

     U. Skånhedens Pax-Tran

     Äg o uppf. Marie Martinsson Pitevägen 31 93082 Abborträsk

Very nice black baby, has everything right for age, well made with good bone, full of character, sound moving, very promising

1 valpkl HP


2   Mjuka Mokasiners Touch Down  S-58650/2001

    E. Such Li-Lai´s Cool Calypso

    U. Mjuka Mokasiners Tammy

    Äg o uppf. Marie Martinsson Pitevägen 31 93082 Abborträsk

Very good bone and feet with good chest, the tailset could be better and he´s not quite sure when moving, is still so young and shows every sign of finishing well

2 valpkl


3   Spovens Back In Time  S-10023/2002

     E. Such Finuch Spovens So Smart Play

     U. Spovens Vanilla Ice

     Uppf. Lillevor Lindberg Norberg

     Äg. Anders o Annica Westermark Kjölvägen 18 945 33 Rosvik

Deltar ej


Valpklass 4-6 mån  Tikar


4    Mjuka Mokasiners Tip Top  S-58645/2001

      E. Such Li-Lai´s Cool Calypso

      U. Mjuka Mokasiners Tammy

      Äg o uppf. Marie Martinsson Pitevägen 31 93082 Abborträsk

Very nice head for age with nose well placed and good mouth, good legs and feet, fails a little in topline at present but as she matures this will improve, and a little erratic on the move

1 valpkl


Juniorklass 9-15 mån Hanar


5    Kim-Ono´s Quite Right Baloo  S38538/2001

      E.Such Nuch Qin Zhe Shou v. Zai Ling Sjiao

      U. Kim-Ono´s Mischa Bee Unique

      Uppf. Eivor Wallmark Skellefteå

      Äg. Sonja Ringström Tullvägen 12 91441 Rundvik

Well grown with good feet, nice rounded scull but lacks a little in nose, very good mouth, good coattexture but it could be presented better, at his first show he was not too happy either standig or moving.

2 junkl


Öppen klass Hanar


6     Finuch Charity´s Ink´N Ice  Finch 41382/00

       E. Such Charity´s Chines N´Chequers

       U.Charity´s Dreaming Doroty

       Uppf.Åsa Andersson Hisings-Kärra

       Äg. Hilka o Juha-Pekka Maunuksela Metsälammintie 4 E 10

       Fin 05460 Hyvinkää Finland

Very good body, rib and bone, pleasing head with good noseplacement, nice mouth, full of expression, good forehead, width of chest and depth of brisket, godd coat, well groomed, well presented, good tail, moved and showed well

1 ökl 2 kk CK 3 bhkl



7     Gi-Jan´s Faith And B Glory  S-54525/2000

       E. Such Ziam´s Hugo Boss

       U.Gi-Jan´s Clear Chance Lillis

       Uppf. Birgitta Jansson Gävle

       Äg. Ingrid Nilsson Syden 22 96191 Boden

Good scull with eyes set well apart but is a little plane in the muzzle because he could be better in noseplacement, ribs could be better, good bone and legs, nice in coat, is in inbetween age in body and so lacks a little in balance

2 ökl


8      Jang-Bis Wonderful Day  S-56790/2000

        E. Such Joy´s Extreme Red Flame

        U. Spovens Petit Shou

        Uppf. Anna-Lena Backlund Piteå

        Äg. Katrina Hedlund Matrosgatan 3 94143 Piteå

Deltar ej


9       Kim-Ono´s Pit-A-Pat       S-14446/2000

         E. Kin-Dai´s Yuri Nosenko

         U. Kim-Ono´s Mischa Bee Unique

         Uppf. Eivor Wallmark Skellefteå

         Äg. Eivor Wallmark o Carina Westberg Getargatan 56 931 54 Skellefteå

Very good scull, nice nostrils but lacks a little in finish in mouth, good bone and feet but a little too heavy in shoulder, he is roaching his back today, I think he would improve if he learned to relax

2 ökl


10     Kin-Dai´s Juri Nosenko      S- 26828/95

         E. SoFuch Santosha Dancing Brave

         U: Such Weeline Sunflower

  C     Uppf. Kerstin Pettersson Sköndal

         Äg. Rose-Marie Johansson Rudagatan 25 931 53 Skellefteå

Looks very well for seven years, very good coat and condition, good head with eyes well placed and good strong jaw, is a little too heavy in the front but enjoyed himself and moved out well from strong hindquarters

1 ökl 4 kk


11      Kläpphällans Simba        S-43707/2000

          E. Such Joy´s Extreme Red Flame

          U. Such Bågas Catinka

          Uppf.Kurt-Lennart Pettersson Kyrkbyn Piteå

          Äg. Madelene Granberg Normadgatan 13 98232 Gällivare

Very typical, pleasing head and expression, moved very soundly, tailhold a little too flat but still looked well on the move, a little short of coat which needs more attention but overall a nice typical dog

1 ökl 2 kk


12      Satly´s Sidney S-13276/2000

 E.Such Tsantha Devil May Dare

          U.Intch Satly´s Wewet N´Lace

C       Äg o uppf. Eva Sjöberg Eksätravägen 288 12761 Skärholmen

Very good gold and white, lovely head and eye, well made in excellent coat, good topline, tailset and carriage, moved well

1 ökl 1 kk CK 2 bhkl CERT CHAMPIONAT


13       Spovens Texas Ranger    S-11335/99

           E. Such Spovens Hooked On A Feeling

           U.Spovens Delious Design Cherry M

           Uppf. Lillevor Lindberg Norberg

           Äg. Kerstin Berglund Bunsta 105 86294 Njurunda

Very typical with good forehead, bone, legs and feet, in full coat, pleasing head with nice expression, nose could be a little higher set, a little on the…… and rather lazy on the move but sound

1 ökl 3 kk

Championklass Hanar


14     Such Winmarz The Sheik Of Arraby             S-40551/

         E.Nuch o Such Shierikos Ringo Star

         U.SoNuch Joy´s Talk About Topjoy

         Uppf o Äg Ulrika Pettersson-Lindgren Ringvägen 53 90421 Umeå

Very impressive gold and white, good head with beautiful eyes, nice strong jaw, very good forehead with strength in chest and depth but also free in movement, good topline and tailset, well made quarters, excellent coat and condition, moved and showed well

1 chkl CK 1 bhkl BIR


Veteranklass Hanar


15      Such Fossella Cash On Delivery   S-25014/91

          E. Such Fossella Dog Of The Year

          U.Senousi Swing Out Sister

          Uppf. Bodil Fossenius Skurup

          Äg. Karin Sjöö Kattfotsvägen 37 90365 Umeå

Charming gold and white, has a superexpression, nice eyes, good neck and front, well made quarters, showed with style and enjoyed himself

1 vetkl CK 4 bhkl


Juniorklass 9-15 mån Tikar


16   Kim-Ono´s Qui-Gong  S38540/2001

      E.Such Nuch Qin Zhe Shou v. Zai Ling Sjiao

      U. Kim-Ono´s Mischa Bee Unique

      Uppf. Eivor Wallmark Skellefteå

      Äg. Eivor Lundmark Vinkelgränd 11   930 55 Jörn 

Feminine black and white, very good eye, nice texture, coat could be better presented, could be a little better in tailset but carried it well on the move, very young and needs time for body

1 junkl 1 kk


17  Lo-Fan´s Classic Red Love   S- 45490/2001

      E.Quatro Zampes Red Hot Lover

      U. Dream Dog´s Classic Lady

      Uppf o Äg. Sisko Karlsson Klippgränd 12 950 40 Töre

Deltar ej


Öppen klass Tikar


18    Jang-Bis Flammande Månljus  S-47496/99

        E. Such Joy´s Extreme Red Flame

        U. Spovens Petit Shou

C     Uppf o Äg. Anna-Lena Backlund Föreningsvägen 11     94153 Piteå

Very nice gold and white, feminine good head with well placed eyes and strength in jaw, pleasing forehead, good tail, nice coat, moved out well

1 ökl 1 kk CK 2 btkl CERT CHAMPIONAT


19    Jang-Bis Wonderful Springtime  S-56792/2000

        E. Such Joy´s Extreme Red Flame

        U. Spovens Petit Shou

        Uppf o Äg. Anna-Lena Backlund Föreningsvägen 11    94153  Piteå

Very attractive gold and white, feminine, good head, played her handler out, and 14 months is at an inbetween age, but very typical, she should finish well

1 ökl 2 kk





20      Kim-Ono´s Mischa Bee Unique    S-52077/96

          E. Such Hashanah Bee Unique

          U.Such Kim-Ono´s D´Julie Crocker

          Uppf o Äg Eivor Wallmark Myntgatan 29 93148  Skellefteå

Nice little golden/white, typical in head although a little large in eye, enjoyed herself and moved soundly, but carries a little too much weight, coat is not at its best, good bone, body and rib, well coupled

1 ökl 4 kk


21     Kim-Ono´s Ofelia      S-14446/2000

         E. Kin-Dai´s Yuri Nosenko

         U. Kim-Ono´s Mischa Bee Unique

         Uppf o Äg. Eivor Wallmark Myntgatan 29 93148  Skellefteå

I like this little g/w, feminine and typical, good moving, coat not at its best but good texture, enjoyed herself

1 ökl 3 kk


22      Kläpphällans Isabella        S-43712/2000

          E. Such Joy´s Extreme Red Flame

          U. Such Bågas Catinka

          Uppf.Kurt-Lennart Pettersson Kyrkbyn Piteå

          Äg. Elda Estrela Höglind Podriqus Pouttaure 12 96024  Harads

A very well made typical bitch, good head, well balanced, lovely to go over but refuses to move, eventually I saw her take a few steps but she must and can do better than that

1 ökl 2 kk


23      Suki-Yaki´s Brees The Angels Hair      S-37326/97

          E.Fossella Jeepers Creepers

          U. Suki-Yaki´s Talk Like An Angel

          Uppf. Annika Malmhäll Göteborg

          Äg. Ella-Lisa Sjöstedt Hebbersliden 12 Kåge

Pleasing head and expression, nice neck and shoulder, is a little long in loin and fails in topline, coat not at its best but typical in texture

1 ökl R kk


Championklass Tikar


24        Such Li-Lai´s Always In The Mood   S-30577/96

            E. Kin-Dai´s Yuri Nosenko

            U. Such Ge-Mih´s Rise´n Shine

            Uppf. Linnea Bergman Umeå

            Äg. Siv Lindholm Lökvägen 9  96147 Boden

Attractive g/w, feminine, very good head with good furnishing, very good body, bone chest and depth but carrying a little extra weight and could be better in topline

1 chkl CK 4 btkl


25         SoNuch Joy´s Talk About Topjoy      S-58592/93

             E. Such Joy´s Ice Cream Special

             U.Such Tangse Carolyn Wee

             Uppf. Marie Blom Nyköping

             Äg. Ulrika Pettersson-Lindgren Ringvägen 53 90421 Umeå

Very nice fem bitch, pleasing head with good eye placement, good coat and looks very well for nine years, is arrogant in movestyle and well balanced, excellent

1 vetkl CK 1 btkl BIR  Bästa veteran


26         Li-Lai´s Yo-Honey        S-12525/94

             E. Snuch Bymarkens Any Sensation

             U. Li-Lai´s Up To Two

             Uppf. Linnea Bergman Umeå

             Äg. Siv Lindholm Lökvägen 9 961 47 Boden

Very pretty fem b/w, pleasing head, good neck, shoulders and topline, moved and showed well, lots of character

2 vetkl CK 3 btkl



20      Kim-Ono´s Mischa Bee Unique    S-52077/96

          deltar med följande avkommor:

          Kim-Ono´s Quite Right Baloo  S38538/2001

          Kim-Ono´s Pit-A-Pat       S-14446/2000

          Kim-Ono´s Qui-Gong  S38540/2001

          Kim-Ono´s Ofelia      S-14446/2000

It is nice to see typical representatives of the smaller Shih Tzu and also a variety of colours

1 avels kl HP Bästa avelsgrupp