ÅNGE NAT 2006-05-21
Domare: Natalja Nekrosiene Litauen
Antal Vuxna: 8+5
Antal valpar: 1+0


Valpklass Hanar
Spovens Be What You Want  S69248/2005  f.051111
e.Such Spovens Hooked On A Feeling
u.Spovens Lady Madonna
Uppf: Lillevor Lindberg Norberg
Äg:Lillevor Lindberg Norberg.

6m.Good bones Still growing and dev.Good prop of head good length

of muzzle enough big eyes, could be bit darker eyes, good neck level topline

a bit too long loin corr tailcarr, enough spring ribs for age very good ang.

Ex sidemovement Nice coat.

1 hp Bästa valp



Juniorklass Hanar

Eastfane´s Make My Day  S45415/2005  f. 2005.05.19

e. Meikwei Showtime

u. Tangse Larissa

Uppf: Annalena o MatzAndersson,  Gävle

Äg. Annalena o MatzAndersson,  Gävle

Good bones, strong masc head, short muzzle, strong big well set apart eyes

enough dark f.colour, good expr. Strong neck, good topline, slightly long loin

corr. tailcarr. Well spring  ribs f. age, Ex.ang behind, good action corr movem.

Good coat.

1 jkl 1 jkk Ck Bhkl-4 cert


Tibets Pride's Runaway Lover    S25969/2005   f. 050224

e:  Pride's Pride And Prejudice

u: Spovens Twinkle Little Star

Uppfödare: Margareta Hansen, Kungsbacka

Ägare: Christine Fjellborg,  Gävle

Strong bones, good prop, masc head, enough short muzzle could be a bit

stronger, very dark eyes-slightly showing withe, good neck and ex.topline, corr.

tailcarr,.well spring ribs, good ang, nice coat f.age, well bal.side movem.

1 jkl 2 jkk


Öppen klass

Mai-Tai’s Let’s Twist Again  S37422/2001   f.010426

e: S Fin Est UCh Santosha Dancing Brave 

u: Mai-Tai’s Disco Dixie

Uppf: Ulla-Carin Ljungh & Curth Gunsth, Ljusdal

Äg: Ulla-Carin Ljungh, Ljusdal

Deltar ej


Ziams High Five S15840/2004  f.040121
e: Such Ziams Return of A Jida
u: Such Ziams Pennylane
Uppf: L-A & L Bergqvist, Åsa
Grete Blomgren Torsåker

Good bones, ex.head and expr,.very dark and big eyes, eleg.neck, level

topline, corr.tailcarr. well spring ribs,.well ang.in both f & b, good structure

of coat moves very well.

1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Bhkl-oplac.


Championklass hanar

Khe-San´s Tom Jones  S50234/2003  f.030727

e.Jww-98Nordv&Kbhv-00 Ww-02Nuch Int&Norduch

     Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

u.Linbackens Gingerbread Heart

Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad

Äg: Marianne Jonasson Furudal

Strong bones, masc head and good scull, big eyes well set apart, good muzzle

strong neck, ex topline, corr tailset and carriage, well spring ribs, good shoulders

frontlegs could be more straight, ex ang behind good struct of coat moves very well.

3 Chkl ck Bhkl-R



Raptures Prelude To Ovations  Ckcln768235  f.010724

e.Ch Lashalimar Reddy For Hollywood

u.Ch Raptures Magic Dancer

Uppf: Whitter Maureen D Canada

Äg: Stoddart Phylis USA

Nice overall shape, ex head, short and strong muzzle, very dark eyes w.ex.

expr, long neck, ex topline and tail carr,.well spring ribs, ex ang in both f & b.

very well bal.,driving movem w.strong action in rear, ex coat.

1 Chkl ck Bhkl-1 Bir


Such Tibets Pride’s I’ll Do It My Way  S44627/2000  f.000624
e Norduch Zansaw`s My Point Of View
u Tibets Pride`s Indian Love Call

Uppfödare: Margareta Hansen , Kungsbacka

Ägare Grete Blomgren Torsåker

Nice overall shape, masc head, good scull, can be a bit more filled under eyes, dark eyes well set apart

good length of muzzle, nice neck, ex. topline and tailcarr, well spring ribs, good ang in both f & b, well bal.

movem.w. corr action, good structure of coat.

2 Chkl ck Bhkl-3



Norduch Zansaw’s My Point Of View   S39076/96  f.960523
E: IntuchNorduch Ziams Master of The House
U:  SuchNuch Filippa

Uppfödare: Carina Öhman, Sävedalen

Ägare: Grete Blomgren Torsåker

10 years old in ex cond strong bones and body, strong scull, good length

of muzzle, ex dark eyes, strong and long neck, level topline, good tailcarr

ex ribcage, good ang in bot f & b, corr structure of coat, moves very well.

1 vetkl ck Bhkl-2 Bästa Veteran!



Lo-Fan´s Unique Queen To Grape´s  S62954/2004  f.040905

e.FinJV-00 Finch Camelle Unique Boy

u.Such Finuch Tatokasin Queentolo Fan´s

Uppf: Sisko Karlsson Töre

Äg: Eva Wedin Härnösand

Good bones, fem head, short muzzle, enough big very dark eyes, well set

apart, strong neck of good length, level topline, good tailcarr, enough spring

ribs, very well ang, ex movem, good structure of coat.

1 ukl 1 ukk ck Btkl-4


Öppenklass tikar

Mai-Tai’s Leading Lady Lee  S32531/2004  f. 040316

e: S Dk UCh Lady Chima’s Trust Captain Cristy 

u: Mai-Tai’s Queenie-Lee 

Uppf: Ulla-Carin Ljungh & Curth Gunsth, Ljusdal

Äg: Ulla-Carin Ljungh, Ljusdal

Deltar ej


Spovens Lady Madonna, S35443/2002   f 020424     

e. Norduch Spovens So Smart Play

u. Spovens Want To Catch Your Eye

Uppf : Lillevor Lindberg,  Norberg

Äg: Lillevor Lindberg,  Norberg

Strong bones,slightly too long in body, ex.head and expr.strong neck,level topline,

a bit long loin,good tailcarriage, well spring ribs well ang,ex drive in movem,good coat.

1 ökl 1 ökk ck Btkl-2 Cert


Tangse Larissa  S47662/2000 f 000222

e.N Finuch Tangse Wiseguy

u.S Finuch Bågas Columbin

Uppf  Rose Åkersten, Sollentuna

Äg: Matz Andersson,  Gävle

Very fem, good scull, big very dark eyes, head could be more filled under

eyes, short muzzle, good neck, the topline could be a bit more straight when

moving, well spring ribs, good ang free side movem, good coat.

1 ökl 2 ökk ck Btkl-3


Championklass tikar

Such Finuch Tangse Crystal Crown     S45911/2002  f 020621

e. Such Tangse Midnight Cowboy    

u. Tangse Dancing Adeline    

Uppf: Rose Åkersten Sollentuna    

Äg: Matz Andersson  Gävle

Strong bones, sound body, ex head and expr, very dark eyes well set apart

strong neck, level topline, good tailcarr, very well dev chest, ex ang and

movem, ex coat

1 Chkl ck Btkl-1 Bim