SKK INT RONNEBY 2004-07-29

Domare: John Philip Indien

Antal Vuxna: 16+19

Domare: Thomas Jakkel

Antal valpar: 3+2


Valpklass Hanar

Khe-San Zic-Zac S19909/2004  f.040127

E: Multich Khe-San Zim Zala Bim
u: Tangse Lily

Uppf. Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

Äg: Annicka Eriksson Kungsbacka

Nice broad skull.Just a bit long foreface but still good

expr.Good neck and shoulders,balance and substance.

Would prefer more bent of stifle.Good coatquality.

Corr.topline and tailcarriage on the move

2 valpkl Hp


Kucheng Express Delivery S21068/2004  f. 031101

e. Weatsom Swooney Clooney

u. Kucheng Maybe This Time

Uppf: Mr C o Mrs C Bolt Storbritannien

Äg: Carina Öhman Sävedalen

Beautiful head.Exc.strong underjaw.Good neck and shoulders.

Exc.substance.Well angulated hindlegs.Good tailset.Moved

wen with corr.topline and tailcarriage.

1 valpkl Hp Bästa Valp!


Limapa´s Billy Butt S64298/2003  f.031103

e.Kbhv-03 Finuch Norduch Intuch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News

u.Nuch Norduch Y´u Tai´s One Vanila Girl

Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv

Äg: Gertrud Larsson Staffanstorp

Lovely head,long skull.He is a bit low to the ground.Good neck

and shoulders with loose elbows.Wen angulated hindlegs.Topline

could be better.Exc.coatquality.Sound mover but close in front.

3 valpkl


Valpklass Tikar

Limapa´s Betty Boop S64299/2003  f.031103

e.Kbhv-03 Finuch Norduch Intuch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News

u.Nuch Norduch Y´u Tai´s One Vanila Girl

Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv

Äg: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv

Fem.head.Good shoulders.Wen angulated hindlegs.A bit

long loin.Good coatquality.Moved Ok but would prefer

a better tailcarriage.

2 valpkl


Shu-Ling Xin Xin S15844/2004  f.031229

e.Such Nuch Tangse Diamond Gun

u.Jade Hill´s Esmeralda

Uppf: Yvette Schönemann Mölnlycke

Äg: Hanna Johansson Landvetter.

Lovely head and expression.Good neck and shoulders.Exc.

substance.Nice coat,wen angulated hindlegs.She is a sound mover.

1 valpkl Hp Bim Valp!


Juniorklass Hanar

Phe-Khan Lord Diamond  S42067/2003  f.030508

e.Such Nuch Tangse Diamond Gun

u.Charity´s Inky Tinky Toy

Uppf: Petra Karlsson Västra Frölunda

Äg: Hanna Karlsson Västra Frölunda

A sound dog.Good head and expression.Strong maskulin head.

Good shoulder and topline.Corr.coattexture.Moves well.

1 jkl 1 jkk Ck



Dream-Cheri´s Snoop Dogg  S20161/2003  f.030216

e.Such Nellie-Nette´s Callypso

u. Such Nellie-Nette´s Dream Of Cheri

Uppf: Kate Johannesson Västra Frölunda

Äg: Kate Johannesson Västra Frölunda

Nice head and expression.Lovely dark eye.Good pigment.Good neck,

ear fringes.Nice topline.Exc.tailcarrige.Moves with a lot of reach.

1 ukl 1 ukk Ck Bhkl-2 Cacib-R


Khe-San´s Mad About You S58133/2002  f. 021003

e.Sv-99 Norduch Intuch Ziams Mad Max

u.Linbackens Gingerbread Heart

Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen o Jessica Lundqvist Upphärad

Äg: Christine Fjellborg  Borlänge

A fair specimen.Slightly long in loin.Could be in better coat.

Typical and of good quality.

1 ukl 3 ukk Hp


Shu-Ling Zuperman  S24745/2003  f.030310

e. Jww-98Nordv&Kbhv-00 Ww-02Nuch Int&Norduch

     Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

u.Lady Chima´s Rising Sun

Uppf:Yvette Schönemann Mölnlycke

Äg:Hasti Nadenfar Mölnlycke

Good head and expression.Good coat,but of maximum

size.Sound.Moves well.

1 ukl 2 ukk Ck



Zansaw's Dancer In The Dark S37425/2001 f. 20010527

e. NordV-01 Nuch Norduch Intuch Ziams Lord Of The Dance

u. Ziams I'm A Maneater

Uppf. Carina Öhman, Sävedalen

Äg. Bittan Börjesson  Vedum

Very good specimen.Good size.Good head and expression.

Good coat.Moves with a lot of drive. Champion idag!

1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Bhkl-1 Cert Cacib Bim


Zansaw's Do You Wanna Dance S37428/2001 f. 20010527

e. NordV-01 Nuch Norduch Intuch Ziams Lord Of The Dance

u. Ziams I'm A Maneater

Uppf. Carina Öhman, Sävedalen

Äg. Ulla Olsson Mölndal

Maskulin.Good head,but tending to be a little long in loin.

Could have a better reach of neck.Moves well.

1 ökl 2 ökk



Such Fossella Talking In My Sleep  S14753/2000  f 000102

e. Such Tsantha Devil May Dare

u. Ginnie Von Savaredo

Uppf. Bodil Fossenius  Skurup

Äg. Inger Eriksson Växjö

Honeycolored dog with dark fringes.Good size.Well put together.

Good coattexture.Moves well.

2 chkl Ck Bhkl-4


Int Nord Finuch Kbhv-03

Khe-San's Rock A Gil News  S55844/97   f.971108

e. Multi.UCH Tangse Rock-A-Billy Rebel       

u. Multi.UCH Khe-San Twice As Nice

Uppf  Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad               

Äg  Lillvi Dellgren,  Eslöv

Deltager ej


Such Dkuch Khe-San´s Snow Man  S35616/99   f 990503

e. Jww-98 Nordv & Kbhv-00 Ww-02 Nuch Int & Norduch Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

u.Jeuw-97 Kbhjv-97 Finuch Norduch Khe-San´s Dreams About Cocktails.

Uppf. Eva-Lena Sönksen Jessica Lundqvist Upphärad

Äg  Mary Fosch  Mölnlycke

A very good specimen.Good head.Good reach of neck.Good

topline.Good set of tail.Moves well



Such Nellie-Nette´s Callypso   S23025/2001  f 010226

e. Kbhv-99 Such DKuch Nellie-Nette´s Tristram

u. Kbhv-99 Nv-01-02 Norduch Babrings Josefine Baker

Uppf. Anette Nelhage Landvetter

Äg. Lena Ekstrand  Lerum

Good head.Has lost one tooth.Good bone and substance.Good

coat texture and length.Moves well.

4 Chkl Ck


Dkuch Such Popeyes Artful Dodger   S25374/2001 f. 20010227

e. Such Fossella Talking In My Sleep

u. Popeye's Trick Or Treat

Uppf. Charlotte Wistad, Tygelsjö

Äg. Charlotte Wistad, Tygelsjö

Irregular teeth.Good bone and substance.Well put together and

good coat and moves well.A fraction long in loin.



Such Dkuch Skånhedens Mirac-Maker  S11341/99 f 981101

e.Such Tsantha Devil May Dare

u. Lucky-Ronja.

Uppf. Eva-Kajsa Lundström Sjöbo

Äg. Gertsud Larsson   Staffanstorp

A qualitu dog! Good head a expression.Good neck and topline.

Tailcarrige is good.He moves with good reach

R chkl Ck


Such Nuch Tangse Diamond Gun    S15699/99  f 981202

e. Tangse Wiseguy                

u. Such Finuch Båga´s Columbin               

Uppf: Rose Åkersten Sollentuna

Äg: Annica o Hans Eriksson Kungsbacka

Maskulin dog.Good head and expression.Could have better bite.

Nice expression.Good neck and topline.Good coat.Moves fluiently

1 chkl Ck Bhkl-3             


Finuch Such Tangse Midnight Cowboy  S30503/2001  f 010305

e. S.CH Pekings Just Brandy Tangse  

u. Tangse Song of Woodoo

Uppf:  Rose Åkersten  Sollentuna

Äg:  Rose Åkersten Sollentuna

Black dog.Would like better bite.Has good bone and substance.

Nice topline.Good coattexture.Well handled.Moves well

3 chkl Ck




Ww-02 Nordv-00 Kbhv-00 Jww-98 Int Norduch

Khe-San's Zim Zala Bim        S30354/97   f.970428   

e. S.SPuch Istas Look Out

u. Tangse O'Pretty Sue Ellen              

Uppf: Eva-Lena Sönksen,  Upphärad

Äg: Eva-Lena Sönksen,  Upphärad

Still in exc.condition.Lovely head.Good head and topline.Exc.

coat.Could still be a winner.

1 vetkl Ck Bhkl-R Bästa Veteran!


Jww-96 Sv-97 Sv-98 Intuch Norduch Dkuch   

Tangse Rock-A-Billy Rebel    S28431/95   f.950307           

e.Nv-96 Intuch Norduch Finuch                

Formaregårdens Zorro            

u.Tangse Cassandra Wee           

Uppf:Rose Åkersten Sollentuna

Äg:Rose Åkersten Sollentuna

Ten years old and still moves like a youngster.Have lost a lot

of teeth.Good texture of coat,not really hastend.

2 vetkl Hp




Juniorklass Tikar

Phe-Khan Lady Aquarella S42068/2003  f.030508

e.Such Nuch Tangse Diamond Gun

u.Charity´s Inky Tinky Toy

Uppf: Petra Karlsson Västra Frölunda

Äg: Petra o Hanna Karlsson Västra Frölunda

Quite typical.Good head.Well put together.Should mature in

to a good specimen.

1 jkl 2 jkk Hp


Quatro Zampe´s La Veniziana  S59245/2003  f.030924

e.Quatro Zampe´s Ps I Love You

u.Bigg Sann´s Black-Duchess

Uppf: Vally Mazzo Hyssna

Äg: Elisabeth Sandersson Göteborg

Black and white.

Still in puppycoat.Good shoulders and topline.Moves

well.Quite sound.

1 jkl 3 jkk Hp


Ziams Gonna Love U Like Money  S52842/2003 f.030804

e. Kbhv-95-96 Ww-98 Finuch Norduch Intuch Popeye´s Love N´money

u.Such Ziams Let Me Be The One

Uppf: Leslie-Anne & Lars Bergqvist,  Åsa

Äg: Pernilla o Charlotte Wistad  Rödeby

Good bone and substance.Good head and expression.Allready in

good coat.Moves well.Could be slightly shorter in loin.Should

mature in to a good specimen!

1 jkl 1 jkk Ck



Charity´s Kicks of Kisses     S53268/2002   f. 020911

e: Finuch Ta Maria Stardust

u: Charity´s It´s Love Again

Uppf: Åsa Andersson, Hisings Kärra

Äg: Thyra Albertsson, Lödöse

Quite typical of the breed. Is well put together.Good shoulder.

Could have more interest in the ring and carry her tail better.

1 ukl 1 ukk Hp


Limapas Vanilla News  S15746/2003  f.030114

e.Finuch Norduch Intuch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News

u.Such Dkuch Nuch Finuch Yú Tai´s One Vanila Girl

Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv

Äg: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv

Deltar ej


Lyckobringarens Cin-De-Rella  S22962/2003   f.030216

e.Tibets Pride´s Face The Facts

u.Lyckobringarens X-Otic Lotus

Uppf: Margrethe Svendsen Sandhult

Äg: Marja-Liisa Otra-Aho Lilla Edet

Fair quality.Quite typical of the breed.Moves well.

2 ukl


NORDJV-03 Shu-Ling Zim Lady Zim   S24746/2003  f.030310

e. . Jww-98 Nordv & Kbhv-00 Ww-02 Nuch Int & Norduch

      Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

u.Lady Chima´s Rising Sun

Uppf: Yvette Schönemann Mölnlycke

Äg: Yvette Schönemann Mölnlycke

Good head.Good bone and substance.In good condition.

The frontmovement could be better,but moves with

good reach from behind.

1 ukl 2 ukk Hp



Charity`s Inky Tinky Toy  S38734/2000  f.000608

e.Norduch Intuch Charity`s Chinese`n Chequers

u.Charity`s Dreaming Dorothy

Uppf:Åsa Andersson Hisings Kärra

Äg: Hanna Karlsson Västra Frölunda

Black and white of good size.Quite typical.Could have more

coat.Moves very well.

2 ökl


Choowo Liz Alice  S49805/99  f. 990908

e. Choowo-Liz Mazzetti

u. Linbackens Hot´n Dark Gossip

Uppf. Liz Larsson Ellös

Äg. Liz Larsson Ellös

Deltar ej


Choowo Liz Alma S49804/99  f. 990908

e. Choowo-Liz Mazzetti

u. Linbackens Hot´n Dark Gossip

Uppf. Liz Larsson Ellös

Äg. Kathleen Berggren Markaryd

Nice head and good expression.Good reach of neck.Good

shoulders and topline.Moves well.Good coat.

1 ökl 4 ökk


Country Flowers Malva  Roses   S21079/2002  f 020206

e. Österlyckans Prinscarl

u. Butterfly

Uppf: Gro Andersson  Sollebrunn

Äg: Tanja Samuelsson Lilla Edet

Black´nWhite.Sound.Good head and expression.Nice topline.

In good coat.Moves well.

1 ökl 3 ökk Ck Btkl-4


Khe-San´s Hedda Hopper S54673/2001  f 011009

e. Int Norduch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News

u. Such Charity´s Example For Khe-San

Uppf Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad

Äg Christine Fjellborg,   Borlänge

Honey and white. Attractive.Good head and expression.Nice,

long earfinges.Good coat.Moves well.

1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Btkl-1 Cert Cacib Bir!


Lady Chima´s Non-Stop-To Bee  S42429/98 f 980722

e. Such Hashanah Bee Unique

u. Lady Chima´s Is-Glass        

Uppf: Barbro Stockhaus-Sabel, Bodafors

Äg: Emma Kennmark Hultsfred

Very good head.Tending to be a little long in line.Moves well.

Has good head and expression.

1 ökl R ökk

Linbackens Gingerbread Heart  S37925/2000  f.000426

e.Finv-99 Sv-01 Finuch Norduch Intuch

Khe-San´s Rock A Gil Stuff

u.Linbackens Gingerbread Gossip

Uppf: Barbro Stensson Hökerum

Äg:Eva-Lena Sönksen Upphärad

Has an irregular bite.Good head and expression.Compact

bitch with good topline and in good coat.Overall good quality.

1 ökl 2 ökk Ck Btkl-2 Cacib-R


Quatro Zampe´s Isolde  S42263/2002  f.020530

e.Quatro Zampe´s Ps I Love You

u.Quatro Zampe´s Little Red Bonett

Uppf: Vally Mazzo Hyssna

Äg: Elisabeth Sandersson Göteborg

Fair average quality.Quite typy.Coat could have a better

length.Moves a little close behind.

2 ökl



GBch Such Huxlor Triggered Fantasy  S49125/2003  f.000506

e.Huxlor Trigger Happy

u.Sonoltay So Delicious At Huxlor

Uppf: Pat Lord Storbritannien

Äg: Charlotte o Pernilla Wistad  Tygelsjö

Good head and bite.Good expression.Nice long earfinger.Nice

topline and in good coat.Smart moves.

3 chkl Ck


Such Nellie-Nette´s Charlotine               

e. Kbhv-99 Such Dkuch Nellie-Nette´s Tristram                

u. Kbhv Norduch Babrings Josefine Baker                

Uppf: Anette Nelhage Landvetter

Äg: Anette Nelhage Landvetter

Good head with soft expression.Good neck and topline.Good

coat and texture.Moves well.

2 chkl Ck Btkl-R

Norduch Zansaw`s La Diva S56788/2000  f.000926

e.Ch Shanel´s Klassy Kid

u.Ch Ziams I´m A Maneater

Uppf: Carina Öhman Sävedalen

Äg: Carina Öhman Sävedalen

Irregular bite,without she would be a outstanding specimen.

Good reach of neck and topline.Moves well

1 chkl Ck Btkl-3

Veteranklass Tikar

Such Nellie-Nette´s Dream Of Cheri   S32386/97  f 970410

e. Such Nuch Intuch Babrings Tom-Jones

u. Such Pei-Tang´s Cheri

Uppf. Anette Nelhage Landvetter

Äg. Kate Johannesson Västra Frölunda

Good head and expression.Good shape.Moves well.

1 vetkl Hp

Kennel Khe-San   Eva-Lena Sönksen,o Jessica Lundqvist Upphärad

Deltar ej