SKK INT RONNEBY  2003-08-09

Domare vuxna: Elsbeth Clerc

Antal Vuxna  15+13


Domare valpar: Dan Eriksson

Antal valpar: 2+2



Valpklass Hanar


Fossella Kama Sutra S13016/2003 f. 021207

e. Santosha Midnight Caller

u. Such Fossella Smell Of Chanel

Uppf. Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

Äg. Sofi Olsson, Malmö

Snygg hanvalp av rätt sort.Maskulint rejält han-huvud med prima

nosparti o bra ögon.Kraftiga bra framben.Djup kropp.Utm bakställ o svans.

Lite kort i halsen.Visar sig morskt.

1 valpklass Hp  Bästa valp.


Fossella King For A Day S13015/2003 f. 021207

e. Santosha Midnight Caller

u. Such Fossella Smell Of Chanel

Uppf. Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

Äg. Desiree´Larsson Malmö

Kraftig hanvalp m välformat huvud.Borde ha bättre pigment runt ögonen

och bättre näsa.Bra benstomme.Ännu lite lös i armbågen.Kraftig djup kropp.

Välansatt svans.Prima bakställ.Rör sig Ok när han vill.

2 valpklass Hp


Valpklass Tikar


Fossella Kiss Curl   S13017/2003 f. 021207

e. Santosha Midnight Caller

u. Such Fossella Smell Of Chanel

Uppf. Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

Äg. Gabrielle Naucler  Ronneby

Feminin med fint huvud som borde vara bredare i nospartiet.Bra haka och

front.Ännu lite tunn i kroppen.Fina bakställ.Verkar lite bakhög för tillfället.

Rör sig alldeles rätt.

2 valpklass Hp


Limapas Vanilla News  S15746/2003  f.030114

e.Finuch Norduch Intuch Khe-San´s Rock A Gil News

u.Such Dkuch Nuch Finuch Tai´s One Vanila Girl

Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv

Äg: Lillvi Dellgren Eslöv

Mkt vackert huvud o uttryck.Kunde ha kortare näsa.Bra hals,rygg.

Kunde ha rakare framben med fastare armbågar.Prima bakställ.

Utm.pälskvalitet.Visar sig glatt.

1 valpklass Hp


Juniorklass Hanar


Atlas  S49725/2002  f.020809

e.Bacalos I Put You In My Heart

u.Vixax Agnes

Uppf: Marie Kennmark Silverdalen

Äg: Hans Sandin Mörlunda

Very good in type.Good head propotions.Nice front.Strong rear.

Well developed body for age.Promising coat.Needs more ring-

training and better presentation.

2 jkl


Khe-San´s Peter Pan S59414/2002  f 021014

e. Norduch Intuch Khe-San´s Pay Cach

u. Such Charity´s Example For Khe-San

Uppf Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad

Äg Eva-Lena Sönksen  Upphärad

Well made male of corr type and shown in good coat and condition.

Typical head and expression.Acceptable front.Firm topline.

Strong rear.Easy mover.

1 jkl 2 jkk Ck


Khe-San´s Robin Hood S59415/2002 f 2002-10-14

e. Norduch Intuch Khe-San´s Pay Cach

u. Such Charity´s Example For Khe-San

Uppf Eva-Lena Sönksen & Jessica Lundqvist, Upphärad

Äg Eva-Lena Sönksen  Upphärad

Quality dog.Masculine head and expression.Excellent front and rear.

Nice made level back.Corr tailset.Plenty of coat for his age.Easy mover.

Shows well full of temperament.

1jkl 1 jkk Ck



Unghundsklass Hanar


Piquants Ready Aim Fire         S19573/2002  f 020123

e.Quatro Zampe´s Ps I Love You                

u. Tibets Pride´s Dear One                 

Uppf: Jack Stockstill                 

Äg:Birgitta Franck Mollösund

Deltar ej


Tibets Pride´s Face The Facts  S53283/2001  f.010910

e. Jww-98Nordv&Kbhv-00 Ww-02Nuch Int&Norduch

     Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

u.Tibets Pride´s Indian Love Call

Uppf: Margareta Hansen  Kungsbacka

Äg: Margareta Hansen  Kungsbacka

Quality dog.Shown in good coat and condition.Corr head proportions.

Nice front and rear firm topline.Solid body. Easy mover.Shows well

1 ukl 1 ukk Ck


Öppenklass Hanar


Limapas Prince Of The Dark  S10028  f.001120

e. Nordv-01 Nuch Norduch Intuch Ziams Lord Of The Dance

u.Khe-san´s Snow Bird

Uppf: Lillvi Dellgren

Äg: Gertrud Larsson Staffanstorp

Quality dog full of substans.Good head proportions desired

expression would prefer better front.Firm topline.Strong body.

Well muscled rear.Quality coat.Sound mover.

1 ökl 2 ökk Ck


Such Tibets Pride´s Dressed In Style  S53029/99   f 991009

e.Tibets Pride´s Hall To The Victor

u.Tibets Pride´s Indian Love Call

Uppf: Margareta Hansen  Kungsbacka

Äg: Margareta Hansen  Kungsbacka

Elegant dog full of quality.Shown in good coat and condition.

Acceptable in front.Corr rear.Well bodied.Quality coat of good lenht.

Sound mover.

1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Bhkl-R Cert



Championklass Hanar


Such Fossella Talking In My Sleep S14753/2000 f. 2000-01-02

e. Such Tsantha Devil May Dare

u. Ginnie Von Savaredo

Uppf. Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

Äg. Inger Eriksson, Hovmantorp

Presented in excellent coat and condition.Not a big one,

but balanced matching head.Correct expression.Front not his fortune.

Level back.Good body substans.Strong rear.Moves with drive.

Oplac chkl Ck


Norduch Intuch Finuch Khe San Rock A Gil News S55844/97 f. 1997-11-08

e. Multiuch Tangse Rock-A-Billy Rebel

u. Multiuch Khe San Twice As Nice

Uppf. Eva-Lena Sönksen, Upphärad

Äg. Lillvi Dellgren, Eslöv

Quality dog.Shown in excellent coat and condition.Nice neck and shoulder.

Corr in front.Strong rear.Excellent coat and texture.Easy mover.Shows well.


1 chkl Ck Bhkl-1 Cacib Bim


Such Dkuch Khe-San´s Snow Man  S35616/99   f 990503

e. Jww-98 Nordv & Kbhv-00 Ww-02 Nuch Int & Norduch Khe-San´s Zim Zala Bim

u.Jeuw-97 Kbhjv-97 Finuch Norduch Khe-San´s Dreams About Cocktails.

Uppf. Eva-Lena Sönksen Jessica Lundqvist Upphärad

Äg  Mary Fosch  Mölnlycke

Excellent breed type with a lot of good points.Balanced head.

Corr.expression.Sufficient bones well angulated.Could do with

more body.Quality coat of good length.Easy mover.Shows well

1 chkl Ck Bhkl-3


Such Nellie-Nette´s Callypso   S23025/2001  f 010226

e. Kbhv-99 Such DKuch Nellie-Nette´s Tristram

u. Kbhv-99 Nv-01-02 Norduch Babrings Josefine Baker

Uppf. Anette Nelhage Landvetter

Äg. Lena Ekstrand  Lerum

Heavier built male.Shown in excellent coat and condition.

Typical head and condition. Acceptable front.Solid body.

Strong angulated rear.Coat of good texture and length.

Moves with drive.

2 chkl Ck Bhkl-2 Cacib-R


Such Popeye's Artful Dodger S25374/2001 f. 010227

e. Such Fossella Talking In My Sleep

u. Popeye's Trick Or Treat

Uppf. Charlotte Wistad, Tygelsjö

Äg. Charlotte Wistad, Tygelsjö

Rich golden shown in excellent coat and condition.Masculine

head and expression.Front and topline, slightly loose in elbows.

Strong body,well angulated rear.Typical mover.

4 chkl Ck Bhkl-4


Such Dkuch Skånhedens Mirac-Maker S11341/99 f. 981101

e. Such Tsantha Devil May Dare

u. Lucky-Ronja

Uppf. Eva-Kajsa Lundström, Sjöbo

Äg. Gertrud Larsson, Staffanstorp

Typical head and expression.Well made dog shown in good

type and quality.Nice neck and shoulder.Sufficient bones.Acceptable front.

Could do with slightly more body.Quality coat of good length.

Moves and showes well.

R chkl Ck


Finuch Ta Maria Stardust      Fin28047/01  f 010406

e. Mintzun Lots Of Fun

u. Ta Maria Angel Dust

Uppf. Anne o Maria Laaksonen Finland

Äg: Mall Wallengren Fjärås

Quality shown in excellent coat and condition.Balanced head

arrogant expression.Excellent topline,front not his fortune.

Solid body.Strong rear.Moves and shows well.

Oplac chkl Ck


Such Tibets Pride´s After The Beep  S20461/2000   f. 000224

e. Tibets Pride´s Hail To The Victor

u. Tibets Pride´s Mummys Pride and Joy

Uppf: Margareta Hansen Kungsbacka

Äg: Margareta Hansen Kungsbacka

Deltar ej.


Juniorklass Tikar


Choowo-Liz Nicolina    S51111/2002 f 020821

e. Norduch Intuch Charity´s Chinese´n Chequers  

u. Choowo-Liz Alice

Uppf: Liz Larsson Ellös

Äg: Tanja Samuelsson Lilla Edet

Promising bitch of good type and nicely presented.

Balanced head.Corr.topline.Slightly narrow in front.Strong rear.


Coat.Immature mover.Needs more time.

1 jkl 2 jkk Ck


Tibets Pride´s On A Bed Of Roses   S36340/2002  f 020510

e. Nordv-01Nuch Norduch Ziams Lord Of The Dance

u.Tibets Pride´s Indian Love Call

Uppf: Margareta Hansen  Kungsbacka

Äg: Carina Ericsson  Kungsbacka

Not a big one,but balanced.Typical head and expression,firm topline.

Sufficient bones.Nice body,well angulated.Typical mover.

Coat of good length and texture.

1 jkl 1 jkk Ck


Unghundsklass Tikar


Country Flowers Malva  Roses   S21079/2002  f 020206

e. Österlyckans Prinscarl

u. Butterfly

Uppf: Gro Andersson  Sollebrunn

Äg: Tanja Samuelsson Lilla Edet

Well trained bitch with lots of good points.Typical head and expression.

Front not her fortune.Nice body.Strong rear.Good topline.

Quality coat of good length.

1 ukl 1 ukk Ck Btkl-R


Nettlavallens Alvina Sixtendotter S16420/2002   f 020210

e. Fannica's Häftiga Harald

u. Choowo-Liz Alma

Uppf. Kathleen Berggren, Markaryd

Äg. Kathleen Berggren, Markaryd

Good type,well shaped head.Acceptable front.Nice topline,

Well angulated behind.Rather soft in coat.Full of temperament.

Should not be so excited in the ring.Needs more training.

2 ukl



Öppenklass Tikar


Aksu Run To Me   S56467/2000   f. 000930

e. Such Tsantha Devil May Dare

u. Fossella Drip Dry

Uppf. Anita Edring Sandberg, Skivarp

Äg. Anita Edring Sandberg, Skivarp

Deltager ej.


Choowo Liz Alice  S49805/99  f. 990908

e. Choowo-Liz Mazzetti

u. Linbackens Hot´n Dark Gossip

Uppf. Liz Larsson Ellös

Äg. Liz Larsson Ellös

Deltager ej.


Choowo Liz Alma  S49804/99  f. 990908

e. Choowo-Liz Mazzetti

u. Linbackens Hot´n Dark Gossip

Uppf. Liz Larsson Ellös

Äg. Kathleen Berggren Markaryd

Solid built bitch,showing good type and substains.

Corr head proportions and expression.Corr in front and rear.

Solid body,quality coat of good length.Moves and shows well

1 ökl 1 ökk Ck Btkl-3 Cert


Fossella Drip Dry S57939/96  f. 961030

e. Such Rosaril Takes One To Know One

u. Fossella Tickle Me

Uppf. Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

Äg. Anita Edring Sandberg, Skivarp

Deltar ej


Fossella People Will Talk S49502/2001   f. 010805

e. Shih-Moons Mr Clinton of Cajan

u. Fossella Smile A While

Uppf. Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

Äg. Jeanette Thornberg, Vellinge

Good breed type,but rather on the small side,matching head

Good expression firm topline.Sufficient bones.Sufficient body.

Well angulated rear.Good mover.Slightly out of coat.

I do a heavier type.

1 ökl 2 ökk


Fossella Smile A While S20954/99   f.990227

e. S Ch Tsantha Devil May Dare

u. Nord Ch Fossella Dish Of The Day

Uppf. Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

Äg. Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

Excellent breed type and presented in full coat.Typical head and expression.

Firm topline.I do prefer a better front.Well angulated in behind.Solid body.

Steady in front movement.

1 ökl 3 ökk


Championklass tikar


Kbhv-99 Nv-01-02 Norduch

Babrings Josefine Baker   S43354/98  f 980715

e. Such Nuch Intuch Babrings Tom –Jones

u. Babrings Roxanne

Uppf. Barbro Kärnbrink Partille.

Äg. Anette Nelhage  Landvetter

Attractiv bitch.Shown in excellent coat and condition.

Typical head and expression.Acceptable front.Nice body.

Strong rear.Coat of good textures and lengths.

Shows and moves to her advance.

1 chkl Ck Btkl-1 Cacib Bir


Such Fossella Smell Of Chanel S20955/99   f. 990227

e. Such Tsantha Devil May Dare

u. Norduch SV-02 Fossella Dish Of The Day

Uppf. Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

Äg. Bodil Olsson, Tygelsjö

Elegant bitch,showing substains and qualities.Type head and expression.

Excellent topline.Corr in front and rear.Solid lovely.

In full coat of good texture.Moves with drive.

2 chkl Ck Btkl-2 Cacib-R


Ta Maria Angel Dust    S14969/2002   f. 990416

e. Finuch Santosha Red Admiral

u. Louwan´s Georgie Girl

Uppf   Maria Laaksonen, Finland

Äg: Mall Wallengren Fjärås

Quality bitch,Solid type.Matching head.Typical expression.

Corr in front and rear.Strong body.Could be a shade shorter in body.

Coat of excellent length and texture.Good mover.

3 chkl Ck Bhkl-4




Fossella Kennel, Äg: Bodil Fossenius, Skurup

Deltar ej


Khe-San´s Kennel Äg: Eva-Lena Sönksen o Jessica Lundqvist Upphärad

A very nice group of shih-tzu even in headtype.They have nice confirmation

bodies and excellent coat of good quality.They do represent an excellent type.


1 Hp Bästa Grgrupp


Tibets Pride Kennel  Äg: Margareta Hansen  Kungsbacka

Deltar ej